tegge-classroom / STAT2984-2018

STAT 2984: Statistical Programming I - Spring 2018
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Assignment 4 #27

Open ategge opened 6 years ago

ategge commented 6 years ago

Assignment 4 has been posted and is due March 29 at the start of class.

This assignment covers numpy and visualization. The assignment can be located at: https://classroom.github.com/a/spssFgu3

Ask the class your questions by creating an issue on GitHub!

ategge commented 6 years ago

In scanning through the submitted homeworks, I noticed several unanswered questions and answers resulting in error codes. I will extend the deadline to Tuesday, April 3 to resubmit Homework 4.

Use the GitHub issues to ask your classmates about questions you are having; I have been pleased with the increased usage in the last day or two. As a recommendation, if your code is not working, include the error message you receive and a snippet (4-7 lines) of the code you have that is causing this error. That way your classmates can better help you debug.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to email me directly.

ategge commented 6 years ago

Reminder, the final day to submit homework 4 is tomorrow prior to class.