tegge-classroom / STAT2984-2018

STAT 2984: Statistical Programming I - Spring 2018
1 stars 13 forks source link

Homework #2 available #4

Open ategge opened 6 years ago

ategge commented 6 years ago

Homework #2 is available. This assignment is due February 6, 2018, prior to class.

Clone the repository at: https://classroom.github.com/a/55Er1PfL

Copy the Assignment #2 from the Assignments folder. Submit via GitHub upon completion.

ategge commented 6 years ago

Reminder, Homework #2 is due tomorrow before class. Be sure to submit the homework via GitHub classroom.

For the questions, be sure to not hard-coded in values. I will test out your code using different input data! If you have any questions or are stuck, be sure to ask your classmates using GitHub Issues.

ategge commented 6 years ago

Grades have been posted to your individual repositories.