telekom-security / tpotce

🍯 T-Pot - The All In One Multi Honeypot Platform 🐝
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Need help configuring my CitrixHoneypot Docker File to include my SSL lets encrypt Certificate #1561

Closed FloppyDucks closed 1 month ago

FloppyDucks commented 1 month ago

_**Now for the meat and potatoes my real issue is my inability to set up my ssl certificate for the citrixhoneypot over 443. I was able to set up my ssl cert for 64297 for the nginx. So I set up the ssl cert for the nginx management portal using a letsencrypt ssl cert. So I figured when I went to go and set up an ssl cert for 443 it would be a similar process. I added in the Citrixdocker file a few extra lines to copy my ssl cert to /opt/citrixhoneypot/cert/ I also figured because I am using letsencrypts cert I wont need the self singed cert in the docker file , so I removed that. I made sure to add the paths in the volume area in the docker-compose-yml. Im not sure if the way the honey pot is set for citrix its not supposed to have an ssl cert? or if it is?

trouble shoot steps: I have tried to a lot of systemctl daemon-reload (tbh i dont think it does anything i do it for good luck) I also stop tpot when i make changes when to the configs/ yaml/ docker files. then when I am finished with my modifications I run the daemon reload, docker compose up -d , then systemctl status tpot (make sure its actually down), systemctl start tpot. Then I load up a incognito tab and check to see if port 443 for my website has a valid ssl cert. and it doesn't. Then I will change the file permissions to give the certificate 777 file permission, because maybe the user citrixhoneypot cant read the cert and priv key, but that cant be it, because in my Docker file, as you will see I made sure (unless I did it wrong) to 1) give user citrixhoneypot ownership over /opt/citrixhoneypot (the path the cert lives in) and JUST IN CASE, I also made the path /opt/citrixhoneypot 774 file perm ....even tho there is no reason to overwrite a privkey and cert...any who. If you know what I am missing or what I am doing wrong any help would be MUCH appreciated!

if I missed anything or forgot to add any files or need to add/clarify anything just let me know I check this documentation daily so I should see any msg's figured it was allowed to, because the python code said that http server is wrapping the socket in the ssl/tls layer. **_

df -h.txt docker stats.txt FULL-modded-docker-compose-yml.txt htop1 htop2 install_tpot_yaml.txt modded-citrixhoneypot-docker-compose-yml.txt Modded-DockerFile.txt netstat.txt UGLY NET ERR CERT AUTHORITY INVALID working ssl for nginx mngmt portal

FloppyDucks commented 1 month ago

also If you want me to point out exactly where and what part of the code/script I changed I can do that, I neglected to do that in my first post, wasnt sure how long/ much you needed? I can go more in detail depending on how much you need?

t3chn0m4g3 commented 1 month ago

You are modifying the wrong files. Identify the Dockerfile in docker/citrixhoneypot, you will find all the necessary files / folder names to adjust citrixhoneypot service in docker-compose.yml in tpotce/ folder (not in the docker/citrixhoneypot/ folder) with volumes for the certificate. Examples how to handle docker volumes are available in the Wiki.

FloppyDucks commented 1 month ago

wow your fast, thanks ! ok so from what I understood. use the DockerFile from ~/docker/citrixhoneypot/ and then the only .yml file i should modify should be the main one in ~/tpotce thats really long. let me check out the wiki