terahlunah / monke

A word generator for helping conlang creators build a vocabulary for their language
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[Feature request] Add feature tags #9

Open vani2620 opened 2 weeks ago

vani2620 commented 2 weeks ago

The idea here is to have a list of phonological feature tags like that of PHOIBLE and then have the user use that to associate tags to each symbol of the language. For example, I could specify Hindustani's b̤ as having the following feature tags: [-approximant][-click][+consonantal][-constricted glottis][-continuant][-coronal][-delayed release][-dorsal][-epilaryngeal source][-fortis][+labial][-labiodental] etc. (I think you get the point by now) and then use those tags to specify or exclude certain series of symbols in patterns. Like having Consonant<-dorsal> to exclude all dorsal consonants from occurring in a given pattern.

terahlunah commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @vani2620, that's an interesting proposal. I'll need some time to think about how to cleanly integrate that in the UI but I have some ideas.

One thing I'm not convinced though is the need for negative tags like [-dorsal]. It would still be needed in the filter Consonant<-dorsal> but understood as an exclusion of [dorsal] tags (as opposed to an inclusion of [-dorsal])

vani2620 commented 2 weeks ago

Oh yeah, absolutely! Though I think some features do require a negative tag, since there are features that Phoible treats as being ternary, with values of +, -, or 0? I don't recall any off the top of my head, admittedly.

terahlunah commented 2 weeks ago

Interesting, let me know if you can find a example of ternary feature. I'm pretty sure it can be mapped easily to multiple tags as a negative tag is just regular tag after all, but maybe I'm missing something.