terikon / cordova-plugin-photo-library

Maintainer needed. Please contact if you're using this library in your project
MIT License
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includeAlbumData not working properly on iOS #66

Open AndreasGassmann opened 6 years ago

AndreasGassmann commented 6 years ago

I would like to let the user filter pictures by album.

As suggested in https://github.com/terikon/cordova-plugin-photo-library/issues/17, I load all images (with includeAlbumData: true). However, I noticed that only very few pictures have anything in their albumIds array. Out of 1600 pictures only about 30 had any albumIds.

When you open the Photos app it looks like there are 2 "kinds" of albums on iOS, one being "system albums" (like Selfies, Videos, Slo-Mo, etc) and the other one called "my albums" (like WhatsApp, Instagram, etc). In my test only the "my albums" ids were added to the albumIds. So it's currently not possible to filter for system albums like "Selfies".

Did I do something wrong or is this a bug?

Only tested on iOS so far.

devdaddy commented 6 years ago

Just curious what the status of this is?

brunofrank commented 5 years ago

I got the same problem, did you fix it?

AndreasGassmann commented 5 years ago

No this is still open. We didn't include this feature in our app.

devdaddy commented 5 years ago

Bump, has there been any progress on this?

AndreasGassmann commented 5 years ago

Not on my side, I no longer use this plugin in any of my projects.

It's a pity that this plugin is not maintained anymore.