termux / termux-packages

A package build system for Termux.
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[Bug]: openbabel showing only one format others are missing #17628

Open HusniMuhammad opened 10 months ago

HusniMuhammad commented 10 months ago

Problem description

In openbabel Only one format is showing other formats are missing Screenshot_20230813-201216 openbabel

Related issue #17414

What steps will reproduce the bug?

obabel -L formats

What is the expected behavior?

abinit -- ABINIT Output Format [Read-only] acesin -- ACES input format [Write-only] acesout -- ACES output format [Read-only] adf -- ADF cartesian input format [Write-only] adfband -- ADF Band output format [Read-only] adfdftb -- ADF DFTB output format [Read-only] adfout -- ADF output format [Read-only] aoforce -- Turbomole AOFORCE output format [Read-only] ascii -- ASCII format [Write-only] axsf -- XCrySDen Structure Format [Read-only] c09out -- Crystal 09 output format [Read-only] can -- Canonical SMILES format castep -- CASTEP format [Read-only] cdjson -- ChemDoodle JSON cdxml -- ChemDraw CDXML format cml -- Chemical Markup Language cmlr -- CML Reaction format com -- Gaussian Input [Write-only] confabreport -- Confab report format [Write-only] CONTCAR -- VASP format copy -- Copy raw text [Write-only] cub -- Gaussian cube format cube -- Gaussian cube format dallog -- DALTON output format [Read-only] dalmol -- DALTON input format dmol -- DMol3 coordinates format ent -- Protein Data Bank format fch -- Gaussian formatted checkpoint file format [Read-only] fchk -- Gaussian formatted checkpoint file format [Read-only] fck -- Gaussian formatted checkpoint file format [Read-only] fhiaims -- FHIaims XYZ format fix -- SMILES FIX format [Write-only] g03 -- Gaussian Output [Read-only] g09 -- Gaussian Output [Read-only] g16 -- Gaussian Output [Read-only] g92 -- Gaussian Output [Read-only] g94 -- Gaussian Output [Read-only] g98 -- Gaussian Output [Read-only] gal -- Gaussian Output [Read-only] gam -- GAMESS Output [Read-only] gamess -- GAMESS Output [Read-only] gamin -- GAMESS Input gamout -- GAMESS Output [Read-only] gau -- Gaussian Input [Write-only] gjc -- Gaussian Input [Write-only] gjf -- Gaussian Input [Write-only] got -- GULP format [Read-only] gukin -- GAMESS-UK Input gukout -- GAMESS-UK Output gzmat -- Gaussian Z-Matrix Input hin -- HyperChem HIN format inchi -- InChI format inchikey -- InChIKey [Write-only] inp -- GAMESS Input jin -- Jaguar input format jout -- Jaguar output format [Read-only] k -- Compare molecules using InChI [Write-only] mdl -- MDL MOL format ml2 -- Sybyl Mol2 format mna -- Multilevel Neighborhoods of Atoms (MNA) [Write-only] mol -- MDL MOL format mol2 -- Sybyl Mol2 format molreport -- Open Babel molecule report [Write-only] moo -- MOPAC Output format [Read-only] mop -- MOPAC Cartesian format mopcrt -- MOPAC Cartesian format mopin -- MOPAC Internal mopout -- MOPAC Output format [Read-only] mp -- Molpro input format [Write-only] mpc -- MOPAC Cartesian format mpo -- Molpro output format [Read-only] mrv -- Chemical Markup Language nul -- Outputs nothing [Write-only] nw -- NWChem input format [Write-only] nwo -- NWChem output format [Read-only] orca -- ORCA output format [Read-only] orcainp -- ORCA input format [Write-only] outmol -- DMol3 coordinates format paint -- Painter format [Write-only] pc -- PubChem format [Read-only] pcjson -- PubChem JSON pdb -- Protein Data Bank format png -- PNG 2D depiction POSCAR -- VASP format pov -- POV-Ray input format [Write-only] pwscf -- PWscf format [Read-only] qcin -- Q-Chem input format [Write-only] qcout -- Q-Chem output format [Read-only] report -- Open Babel report format [Write-only] sd -- MDL MOL format sdf -- MDL MOL format siesta -- SIESTA format [Read-only] smi -- SMILES format smiles -- SMILES format svg -- SVG 2D depiction [Write-only] sy2 -- Sybyl Mol2 format t41 -- ADF TAPE41 format [Read-only] text -- Read and write raw text tmol -- TurboMole Coordinate format txt -- Title format VASP -- VASP format xml -- General XML format [Read-only] xsf -- XCrySDen Structure Format [Read-only] zin -- ZINDO input format [Write-only]

System information


Termux Variables:
Packages CPU architecture:
Subscribed repositories:
# sources.list
deb https://packages.termux.dev/apt/termux-main stable main
Updatable packages:
All packages up to date
termux-tools version:
Android version:
Kernel build information:
Linux localhost 4.14.193+-ab441 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 17 10:52:36 CST 2023 armv8l Android
Device manufacturer:
Device model:
LD Variables:
Installed termux plugins:
com.termux.api versionCode:51
com.termux.widget versionCode:13
twaik commented 9 months ago

Please, do not ping maintainer randomly.

truboxl commented 9 months ago

Something is broken inside obabel parsing it's format listing

I can keep get different result if I delete the currently shown obabel -L formats file in $PREFIX/lib/openbabel/3.1.0/

.../openbabel/3.1.0 $ pwd
.../openbabel/3.1.0 $ obabel -L formats
dx -- OpenDX cube format for APBS
.../openbabel/3.1.0 $ rm opendxformat.so
.../openbabel/3.1.0 $ obabel -L formats
gukin -- GAMESS-UK Input
gukout -- GAMESS-UK Output
truboxl commented 8 months ago

I am unable to diagnose the problem with my current understanding. Others are welcome to try.