terrychou / iVim

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Text search utilities that work in iVim #249

Closed EricEWeir closed 1 year ago

EricEWeir commented 1 year ago

Looking for an enhanced text search utility that will work with iVim given the sandboxing of iOS/iPadOS apps. ripgrep has been recommended. Does it rely on external resources?

sedm0784 commented 1 year ago

To use ripgrep, I believe you'd need it to be added as an External Command.

Apologies if this is a stupid question, but have you considered using :vimgrep? It works well for me. I think :grep should work too, as grep is included in iVim, but it's not working for me right now (could be something to do with my config).

EricEWeir commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your response. I suspect ripgrep does rely on external resources. I’m not familiar with external commands in iVim. Need to check them out.

ripgrep was recommended to me, but it may be overkill for my needs. Likely I’m going to be doing searches on a max of 1000 to a few 1000 files. In lieu of a better tool that can be used with iOSs sandboxing of apps I have considered grep. Quite possibly it would be sufficient for my needs. I’ll check out vimgrep.

Thanks again.