terryworona / TWMessageBarManager

An iOS manager for presenting system-wide notifications via a dropdown message bar.
MIT License
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use_frameworks! #93

Closed gask closed 8 years ago

gask commented 8 years ago

When I put "use_frameworks!" in my podfile due to other pods, TWMessageBarManager starts giving errors, not being recognized.

terryworona commented 8 years ago

This could be caused by any number of things. Please provide specifics such as stack traces or log files.

Are you sure you're opening the workspace file instead of the xcodeproject?

gask commented 8 years ago

Yes, I'm sure.

Here's the stack: `/Users/gbferraro/Documents/Djengo/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/DjengoApp/MobicityApp-Bridging-Header.h:10:9: note: in file included from /Users/gbferraro/Documents/Djengo/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/DjengoApp/MobicityApp-Bridging-Header.h:10:

import "ChatService.h"


/Users/gbferraro/Documents/Djengo/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/DjengoApp/ChatService.h:10:9: note: in file included from /Users/gbferraro/Documents/Djengo/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/DjengoApp/ChatService.h:10:

import "SSUUserCache.h"


/Users/gbferraro/Documents/Djengo/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/DjengoApp/SSUUserCache.h:12:9: error: 'TWMessageBarManager.h' file not found

import "TWMessageBarManager.h"

:0: error: failed to import bridging header '/Users/gbferraro/Documents/Djengo/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/djengo-ios/DjengoApp/MobicityApp-Bridging-Header.h'` I had to manually add a user header search path to Pods/*\* to stop the errors. And another thing I noted: this only happens when I archive the product. When I build & run no errors are given. Any clues?
terryworona commented 8 years ago

Your bridging header looks mis-configured. TWMessageBarManager is not the first class that appears to be missing - they all are, starting @ ChatService.h.

No other ideas, it's unlikely an issue with TWMessageBarManager and more-so with your project structure. I would check stack threads for "Bridging header missing file' or something to that effect.

gask commented 8 years ago

@terryworona After lots of hours working on this I manager to solve this by adding #import <TWMessageBarManager/TWMessageBarManager-umbrella.h> to my Objective-C files that used TWM, because they didn't recognize the TWMessageBarManager.h... I commented out the import from the bridging header and voilà!