Open detectivejd opened 3 years ago
I´m using Symfony5 as php framework and try use select2entity-bundle but the filter doesn´t found it. What am i need to work with select2entity-bundle using Symfony5?
Please, I need some help.
Hi good day. Did you check that the filter reaches the repository? The values in the DB are in uppercase and you search with lowercase. Maybe the solution will be out there
Hi, how are you? I hope it´s ok. I need your help, the select2entity-bundle css and js work well, but the filter doesn´t else the load all the elements.
I put the code:
PaisRepository: public function findByFilter($dato){ $em = $this->getEntityManager(); $query = $em->createQuery("select p from App\Entity\Pais p where p.nombre like :nombre") ->setParameter('nombre', '%'.$dato.'%'); return $query->getResult(); }
PaisController: /**
} return new JsonResponse($items); }
DepartamentoType: public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $builder ->add('nombre',TextType::class,[ "label" => "Nombre (): ", "required" => "true", "empty_data" => '', "attr" => [ "class" =>"form-control" ] ]) ->add('pais', Select2EntityType::class,[ "label" => "País (): ", "remote_route" => 'pais_search', "class" => Pais::class, "allow_clear" => true, "placeholder" => "Seleccione País" ]) ; }
I took this picture:
I don´t know as resolve the problem and i need your help. Greetings and thanks.