As of writing this (5d4f3cf), we have end-to-end tests calling many but not all of Checker's entrypoints. As a part of our efforts to expand the coverage of our test suites, it would be good to at least call the remaining endpoints as a part of our end-to-end tests.
[X] deployMetadata
[X] deployFunction
[X] sealContract
FA2 interface: (#196)
[x] transfer
[x] balance_of (#197)
[x] update_operators
Main endpoints:
Burrows: (#196)
[X] create_burrow
[X] mint_kit
[x] burn_kit
[X] mark_for_liquidation
[X] deposit_tez
[X] withdraw_tez
[X] touch_burrow
[x] activate_burrow
[X] deactivate_burrow
[x] set_burrow_delegate
Liquidations: (#193)
[x] liquidation_auction_claim_win
[x] touch_liquidation_slices
[X] liquidation_auction_place_bid
[x] cancel_liquidation_slice
[X] buy_kit
[X] sell_kit
[X] remove_liquidity
[X] add_liquidity
[X] touch
[X] receive_price (internal, called from oracle)
[X] receive_slice_from_burrow (internal, called from burrow)
As of writing this (5d4f3cf), we have end-to-end tests calling many but not all of Checker's entrypoints. As a part of our efforts to expand the coverage of our test suites, it would be good to at least call the remaining endpoints as a part of our end-to-end tests.
FA2 interface: (#196)
Main endpoints:
Burrows: (#196)
Liquidations: (#193)