Sometimes the following things happen when connecting to my Honda:
When first starting the car, if everything was properly paired in the past, one of the two touch screens says "no device connected" even though it is connected fine and the music is streaming fine and the AVRCP is working fine.
When initially pairing, it pairs successfully, the message on the screen says that pairing was successful, and music comes out just fine. But shortly after that there is a message on the screen which says that the pairing failed. Even though it is all still paired, everything is working, music is streaming, and AVRCP is working.
Investigate which particular communication message is responsible for the problem. There must be something I'm doing wrong. Examples of ideas to check for:
Am I issuing too many or the wrong kinds of messages at initial connection, such as maybe I shouldn't do CALL 17 AVRCP any more now that I've fixed issue #60.
Should there not be any more A2DP STREAMING STARTs from me now that I have fixed issue #60.
When I respond to one particular query message with AVRCP RSP to reject its query for certain kinds of information, should I be responding to that one better?
Sometimes the following things happen when connecting to my Honda:
When first starting the car, if everything was properly paired in the past, one of the two touch screens says "no device connected" even though it is connected fine and the music is streaming fine and the AVRCP is working fine.
When initially pairing, it pairs successfully, the message on the screen says that pairing was successful, and music comes out just fine. But shortly after that there is a message on the screen which says that the pairing failed. Even though it is all still paired, everything is working, music is streaming, and AVRCP is working.
Investigate which particular communication message is responsible for the problem. There must be something I'm doing wrong. Examples of ideas to check for: