Closed ghost closed 12 years ago
Can you open them with winzip or in windows?
Its likely I've botched the naming up or Worldedit has changed.
Also, Id like to know what your: Version, Bukkit Version, and Config file looks like, thanks.
Closing if no reply by tommorrow.
Sry, not using the plugin if its not working. Anyway yes I can open it with WinRar. Bukkit 1597, your latest version, and i think i only changed the backup name, removed years. Using minebackup
If you change the backup name, it will make it incompatible with WorldEdit.
As you said, the plugin works fine, I am not the author of WorldEdit, so I am unable to guarantee compatibility.
You also need to make sure "splitbackup" in your config file is set to "true" for it to be compatible.
Whats the point in having those variable in the first place? Minebackup has the same system and you can change name. Add world name, year, month, day and time from hour to second. Removed year and second and it still works. Honestly i think it doesnt matter whats the name. Its important that its a .zip file but for some reason worldedit doesnt want your .zip
And i had splitbackup on true but that broke the .zip's
"splitbackup" needs to be set to true, or it will not be compatible with WorldEdit.
It doesn't "break" the ZIP's, you yourself said they open fine in WinRAR, obviously your doing something that isnt quite right.
Also, I don't understand your suggestion as to what the point is of those variables? The point is for the maximum amount of customization, so people can have the backups work how they want them too.
How about you read the configuration file again? The only option you need to change is splitbackup.
OK, reloaded the plugin on the server and I only changed the splitback setting and worldedit is unable to use the .zip files for restore
WorldEdit Config:
limits: max-blocks-changed: default: -1 maximum: -1 max-radius: -1 max-super-pickaxe-size: 5 max-brush-radius: 5 disallowed-blocks:
use-inventory: enable: false allow-override: true
logging: log-commands: false file: worldedit.log
super-pickaxe: drop-items: true many-drop-items: false
snapshots: directory: D:\Minecraft\CraftBukkit 1.0.0\backups
navigation-wand: item: 345 max-distance: 100
scripting: timeout: 3000 dir: craftscripts
saving: dir: schematics
history: size: 15 expiration: 10
wand-item: 271 shell-save-type: no-double-slash: false no-op-permissions: false debug: false
Backup.log file - Sat Jan 07 10:30:39 EET 2012: [Backup] Created the folder for backups.Sat Jan 07 10:34:11 EET 2012: [Backup] Found and hooked a permissions plugin.Sat Jan 07 10:35:23 EET 2012: [Backup] Found and hooked a permissions plugin.
Config.yml settings:
backupinterval: 15
maxbackups: 25
onlyops: true
backupemptyserver: false
backupeverything: false
splitbackup: true
backupworlds: true backupplugins: true
zipbackup: true
dateformat: '%1$tY%1$tm%1$td-%1$tH%1$tM%1$tS'
enableautosave: true
backuppath: backups
broardcastmessages: true
backuplogname: backup.log
displaylog: true
debugmode: true
version: 1.8.4
Server Log:
2012-01-07 10:34:28 [INFO] [Backup] Started Backup! 2012-01-07 10:34:28 [INFO] CONSOLE: Forcing save.. 2012-01-07 10:34:28 [INFO] CONSOLE: Save complete. 2012-01-07 10:34:28 [INFO] CONSOLE: Disabling level saving.. 2012-01-07 10:34:38 [INFO] CONSOLE: Enabling level saving.. 2012-01-07 10:34:38 [INFO] [Backup] Backup completed!
2012-01-07 10:35:23 [INFO] Backup v1.8.4 has completed loading!
WorldEdit Error - Snapshots for creative world: 'creative'
Position 1 Position 2
Snapshot 'creative/' loaded; now restoring...
Errors prevented any blocks from being restored. Last error: Target world is not present in ZIP.
Some other logs - 2012-01-07 10:35:43 [INFO] WorldEdit: Using for loading snapshot 'D:\Minecraft\CraftBukkit 1.0.0\backups\creative\'
Directory -
CraftBukkit/backups: /creative/ /survival/ /plugins/
I think the problem is in the zip file there are no folders matching the map name but only the world files itself. Thats the problem. When i open zip i can only see the map files but not the folder itself called creative only the files. Hope this helps. Waiting for an reply
I tried the plugin and everything was pretty awesome until i tried to use the .zips to restore griefed stuff and ou my, worldedit gave me an error when using the .zip made my your plugin so maybe have a look at that. Sorry i cant remeber the error.
It was something like "Worldedit didnt find the map from that zip or folder" If I turn off the split maps and just make folders then it works but i still would like to have compression and save space
Thank you