thaljef / Pinto

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When there is a lockfile timeout, show the pid of the process that holds the lock #201

Open thaljef opened 9 years ago

thaljef commented 9 years ago

Maybe even offer to steal the lock if the process appears dead. Beware of NFS situations, where the process could be on another server.

celogeek commented 9 years ago

Also a good option could be --retry-forever So if we can't get the lock, we retry until we got it.

We have made automatic injection system, that grep the error and loop until it works. We a --retry-forever option it would ease that situation.

thaljef commented 9 years ago

Retrying forever seems a bit dubious to me. There is a PINTO_LOCKFILE_TIMEOUT environment variable you can set though. Not sure if that is documented.

celogeek commented 9 years ago

can we set PINTO_LOCKFILE_TIMEOUT=-1 or =0 mean forever ?

The forever is more because we have numerous to work on pinto, and it has no queue for processing. So trying to steal lock as soon as possible could be great. But we need to complete the operation under an automatic process.

cakirke commented 9 years ago

looks like File::NFSLock supports stale_locktimeout, could expose it via PINTO env and document interaction if ultimate goal is not "wait forever" but "wait suitably long, then steal the lock"

also, with a (very) quick look at File::NFSLock internals, i don't see it setting the holder pid on failure - a chicken/egg issue for reporting it on failure

thaljef commented 9 years ago

can we set PINTO_LOCKFILE_TIMEOUT=-1 or =0 mean forever ?

Yes, it looks like 0 means forever.

thaljef commented 9 years ago

i don't see it setting the holder pid on failure - a chicken/egg issue for reporting it on failure.

I think we'll just have to parse that from the contents of the lock file itself (or patch File::NFSLock).

cakirke commented 9 years ago

proposed, if accepted, it should cover the reporting issue. continuing with the stale lock/steal lock portion of this.