the-crazy-Swamps / the-crazy-swamps-game

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ฺBasicItem status and passive #28

Open zanuez opened 3 months ago

zanuez commented 3 months ago

status item Positive status Negative status Positive passive Negative Passive weapon style

zanuez commented 3 months ago


Give an example 8 weapon

SnowgelTH commented 2 months ago

This is the weapon stats concept that I thought about 8 example weapon @zanuez request

• Dagger -Status --Medium Strength --High Dexterity --Low Intelligent

-Positive status --Has a high critical chance and critical damage --High Movement speed and Attack speed --Has some dodge chance

-Negative status --Low attack damage --Low defense and blocking --Low M.atk and M.def --Low Penetration

-Positive passive --Has a chance to bleed enemy when successful attack or critical hit --Low stamana cost to attack

-Negative passive --None

-Weapon Style --1h Weapon (Can only wielding with dagger)

• Onehanded Sword -Status --High Strength --Medium Dexterity --Medium Intelligent

-Positive status --Has some block chance --Medium atk and M.atk --Medium defense/block and M.def

-Negative status --Low critical chance --Medium Movement speed and Attack speed --Low dodge chance --Low Penetration

-Positive passive --Has a chance to disarm enemy

-Negative passive --Medium stamina cost to attack

-Weapon Style --1h Weapon (Can eqiup with a shield or Wielding two sword)

• Bow -Status --Medium Strength --High Dexterity --Low Intelligent

-Positive Status --Has a high critical chance and critical damage --High Movement speed and Attack speed --Has some dodge chance --High Penetration

-Negative status --Low attack damage --Low defense and blocking --Low M.atk and M.def

-Positive passive --Deal a lot of damage when attacking weak point

-Negative passive --Medium stamina cost to attack

-Weapon Style --1h Weapon but can only be eqiup with a quiver

• Staff -Status --Low Strength --Low Dexterity --High Intelligent

-Positive Status --High M.atk and M.def --Highest M.Damage --Medium Critical Damage --High Magic Penetration

-Negative Status --Low defense and blocking --Low dodge chance

-Positive passive --Has a chance to double cast any magic attack

-Negative passive --Take a long time to cast any magic attack --Can be interrupt while casting

-Weapon Style --2h Weapon

• Axe -Status --High Strength --Low Dexterity --Low Intelligent

-Positive Status --High Attack damage --High Critical Damage --Medium Defense and M.def --Medium Block chance --Medium Penetration

-Negative Status --Low Attack speed --Medium Movement speed

-Positive passive --Has a chance to break enemy armor

-Negative passive -- None

-Weapon Style --2h Weapon

• Shield -Status --Medium Strength --Low Dexterity --Medium Intelligent

-Positive Status --Highest Defense and M.def --High Block and Block chance

-Negative Status --Low Attack damage

-Positive passive --Heals you slightly on a successful block --Shield can attack and has a higher defense when only shield eqiup

-Negative passive -- None

-Weapon Style --1h Weapon

•2h Sword -Status --High Strength --Low Dexterity --Low Intelligent

-Positive Status --Highest Physical Damage --Medium Block and Block chance --High Critical Damage --Medium Critical Chance --Medium Penetration

-Negative Status --Low movement speed and attack speed --High stamina cost to attack --Can be interrupt by enemy while on animation

-Positive passive --Deal Increase damage when successfully attack untill your combo is interrupt --Can charge attack to deal more damage

-Negative passive --You can be stun when got interrupt by enemy (High risk High return Weapon)

-Weapon Style --2h Weapon

-Magic Wand -Status --Low Strength --Low Dexterity --High Intelligent

-Positive Status --Medium M.atk and M.def --High Cast speed --Medium movement speed

-Negative Status --Low defense and blocking --Low dodge chance

-Positive Passive --Increase healing and shielding(barrier) effect

-Negative Passive --None

-Weapon Style --1h Weapon (Can eqiup with a Shield or Book/Artifact etc.)