the-dataface / figma2html

Export Figma frames as responsive HTML and CSS
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Condense CSS #49

Open sawyerclick opened 2 years ago

sawyerclick commented 2 years ago

The generated CSS should take a utility approach so that it is as small as possible. I recommend generalizing classes to be property-specific for those that repeat more than once. This will save file sizes and network requests for larger files. For example, we could have:

#test-output p, #text-output a {
  font-family: inter;

instead of

#test-output p {
  font-family: inter;
#text-output a {
  font-family: inter;

Demo We could use an object to track this. Here's some pseudocode with my thoughts

const styles = {}
const repeats = {}

// iterate through node (too expensive?)
for (let node of nodes) {
  // iterate through node style key/value pairings
  for (let style of node.styles) {
    // see if styles obj above has the key/value pair used here
    if (styles.hasOwnProperty(style)) return repeats[style.key] = style.value

    // add this iterated style to the styles obj
    styles[style.key] = style.value
sawyerclick commented 1 year ago

see #76

sawyerclick commented 1 year ago

see #69