the-infocom-files / cutthroats

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The iron bar isn't always hidden when it's moved to the Middle Deck #23

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

The iron bar is supposed to be hidden when dropping it in the Middle Deck, as can be seen from IRON-BAR-F:

           (<VERB? TAKE>
        <COND (<ITAKE>
               <COND (<EQUAL? ,HERE ,WRECK-5>
                  <FCLEAR ,IRON-BAR ,NDESCBIT>
"You take one of the " D ,IRON-BAR "s." CR>)
                 (T <TELL "Taken." CR>)>)>
           (<VERB? DROP>
        <COND (<AND <V-DROP>
                <EQUAL? ,HERE ,WRECK-5>>
               <FSET ,IRON-BAR ,NDESCBIT>)>

In it does work:

Middle Deck
This area is full of barnacle-encrusted iron bars, probably pikes used by the
sailors for fending off boarding parties. There is a plaque on one wall. Exits
are fore and aft.

You take one of the iron bars.


Middle Deck
This area is full of barnacle-encrusted iron bars, probably pikes used by the
sailors for fending off boarding parties. There is a plaque on one wall. Exits
are fore and aft.

But that's not the only way to move the iron bar into the room:

You take one of the iron bars.


Middle Deck
This area is full of barnacle-encrusted iron bars, probably pikes used by the
sailors for fending off boarding parties. There is a plaque on one wall. Exits
are fore and aft.
There is an iron bar here.

So I guess it would have to handle throwing the bar as well. (In which case it probably needs to check that you're not throwing something else at the iron bar...) Are there other ways?