If you bring the deep-sea diving suit to the wrong wreck, you'll find a room that's filled with air. Removing the suit or the air hose there kills you:
Middle Deck
This cabin was once a passenger compartment, although the fragile partitions
within have collapsed. The room is filled with air and a glance tells you why:
the closed door to aft kept the air and water pressures equalized, stopping the
flow of water up through the hole in the deck.
Oops! So much for instantly growing gills.
**** You have died ****
Too bad.
You take the suit off and quickly realize you're not a dolphin. You realize this
too late, though.
**** You have died ****
Too bad.
That's because both AIR-HOSE-F and DEEP-SUIT-F both check <EQUAL? <GETP ,HERE ,P?LINE> ,UNDERWATER-LINE-C>, but not <AIRTIGHT-ROOM?>.
Interestingly, AIR-TIGHT-DOOR-F, WRECK-6-F and WRECK-10-F (i.e. the door and the two surrounding rooms) check if you are wearing the deep-sea diving suit. So apparently someone thought of the player going to the wrong wreck here. Though none of them check that the air hose is connected to the suit.
Note that disconnecting the hose would be a bad idea anywhere under water, since it retracts back to the compressor. So you'd be stuck down there. I wouldn't consider that a bug, though.
If you bring the deep-sea diving suit to the wrong wreck, you'll find a room that's filled with air. Removing the suit or the air hose there kills you:
That's because both
, but not<AIRTIGHT-ROOM?>
(i.e. the door and the two surrounding rooms) check if you are wearing the deep-sea diving suit. So apparently someone thought of the player going to the wrong wreck here. Though none of them check that the air hose is connected to the suit.Note that disconnecting the hose would be a bad idea anywhere under water, since it retracts back to the compressor. So you'd be stuck down there. I wouldn't consider that a bug, though.