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"FILL <object>" prints the wrong message when there is water nearby #26

Open eriktorbjorn opened 5 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 5 years ago
Surely you don't suspect the fish also?

There's nothing to fill it with.

This is what V-FILL looks like:

     <COND (<NOT ,PRSI>
               <TELL "There's nothing to fill it with." CR>)>)
           (T <TELL "You can't do that." CR>)>>

So it seems to me that what it should print is "You can't do that." when there is water nearby.

The problem is that GLOBAL-IN? looks for local global objects, and GLOBAL-WATER is a global object.

So what it should look for is probably the LAKE object.

The LAKE object is local global to WEST-LAWN, EAST-LAWN and NORTH-LAWN. It should perhaps also be local global to BEHIND-SHED, since going east from there tells you that you can't go into the lake.

There are also a couple of other local global objects that should be a source of water. At the very least SINK, perhaps also SHOWER.

So something like this:

     <COND (<NOT ,PRSI>
               <GLOBAL-IN? ,SINK ,HERE>
               <GLOBAL-IN? ,SHOWER ,HERE>>
               <TELL "There's nothing to fill it with." CR>)>)
           (T <TELL "You can't do that." CR>)>>

Of course, it's a very minor point since you still can't actually fill anything with water.

eriktorbjorn commented 5 years ago

I just realized that there is also a PRE-FILL routine:

               <SETG PRSI ,GLOBAL-WATER>
               <TELL "There's nothing to fill it with." CR>

But it's not actually used, since it's not in any syntax definition. Which is good, since that one also refers to GLOBAL-WATER.