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SQLite as key-value store for concurrent Rust programs #1

Closed Byron closed 3 years ago

Byron commented 4 years ago

The motivation for this article is to save you a day or two when making SQLite ready for your concurrent, async Rust program, using it as key-value store minimising the "SQL" part.

If you want to get to the advertised content, skip the 'Why…' sections.

Why not Sled?

Maybe some of you may think why one would chose a 20 year old embedded SQL database written in "C" over Sled, a modern pure Rust key-value store!

The short answer is: Do try it, we need an alternative and every user makes it better. SQLite is not a key-value store, and it's not suitable for concurrent application out of the box. Sled can save you a lot of trouble, and it's "just working" in concurrent programs with an API that feels natural and powerful.

However, when I did try to use it (in a version from 2020-02-27), I encountered a few issues which taken together made using sled too much of a risk given the requirements of my program.

Given that I would like to run my program on small hardware with no more than 512MB of RAM, the sometimes unexpectedly high use of memory made it a deal breaker, so I had to look elsewhere :/.

You, however, should really give it a try, as by the time you do, none of the above might still be an issue. Maybe nothing of the above would be an issue for you. I think Rust does need Sled, which right now is our best bet and I hope we will get there sooner than later.

Why SQLite ?

A venerable 20+ year old embedded SQL database written in C doesn't seem like the go-to solution for a key-value store for concurrent applications. And it isn't out of the box, but can be performing admirably when configured correctly.

On top of that, it's well-tested, proven and stable - nice traits for a database to store your valuable data.

The last paragraph from the about-page reads…

We the developers hope that you find SQLite useful and we entreat you to use it well: to make good and beautiful products that are fast, reliable, and simple to use. Seek forgiveness for yourself as you forgive others. And just as you have received SQLite for free, so also freely give, paying the debt forward.

…which made me fall in love with it a little.

From Rust one of the best ways to interact with it is Rusqlite, which puts a very rusty API on top of the C-interface SQLite exposes naturally. It's also the only option I tried, there was no other need.

Let's start from there!

Configuring SQLite with concurrent applications

Many concurrent writers

By default, concurrent writes will lock the database on the first writer, and as writers don't queue up, all but the first one will fail. There can be any amount of readers while there is no writer, which is exactly the rules that Rust enforces in your program.

A first step towards the solution is this chunk of SQL that wants to be at the start of your application

Now most direct writes will work concurrently, but transactions who read before they write are still likely to fail in the presence of other writes performed while reading.

There are two measures to make this work. Firstly, there should be a busy handler which, in the simplest case, sleeps a little. It should be installed when opening a connection to the database.

Secondly each transaction that plans to read before writing should begin in IMMEDIATE mode. Without it, it will first get a read lock for the read portion, and then try to upgrade to a write lock when needed. In my case, this didn't trigger the busy handler and would fail permanently.


The above is the key to making this work. In conjunction with a busy handler that sleeps…

…this call will block until a write lock was obtained before any read happened.

Avoiding blocking busy handler for a better Future

In a threaded application, blocking the whole thread might be the way to go. With Futures, however, that is not advised in the common case as that may prevent all futures to make progress, depending on your executor.

Additionally using busy handlers per connection restricts the knowledge about what's going on within the handler, as these cannot be closures (i.e. they must be fn(i32) -> bool).

To solve this, one can refrain from installing a busy handler…

…and handle SQLite Busy failures by yourself:

The retry-utility itself can receive additional context to better integrate with your program.

Please note that even though I chose to block, it should be possible to do an async sleep instead of a blocking one. For my program, however, that wasn't required as tasks are distributed to threaded executors, where blocking futures will not prevent all other futures from making progress.

Writing many small objects, fast

When writing many small objects intuitively (that is, naively unfortunately), performance will be low and dominated by IO as every write commits by default which triggers an fsync.

Something that may improve the situation at the expense of safety is to set synchronous = OFF and skip fsync() all together.

I took a different route and decided to go with prepared statements within a transaction.

Much of this code is boilerplate to communicate the application state to prodash, and it relies on using a connection that blocks while the we try to get an immediate-mode transaction. From there, a prepared statement is used to insert changing key-value pairs followed by a single commit in the end. This performs admirably and I have seen 220k objects inserted in less than a second.

Gains and losses compared to using Sled

The sled version I used previously was a version from 2020-02-27. It must be clear to the reader that I am a big fan of Sled, and I can't wait to try it again. For this project, however, I wasn't able to and find it very unfortunate.

A feel for the achieved parallelism and performance…


djc commented 4 years ago

Have you looked at LMDB at all? I think there are some crates that provide a safe zero-copy interface, and it would be a proven actual key-value store.

Byron commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the hint, I didn't have it on my radar at all!

I think for the next project that needs a database, there is a whole slew of additional options to evaluate.

Byron commented 4 years ago

Oh, and now that I see that @djc is the author of Askama - I do hope that will come in handy soon. Something that swayed me to look at Sqlite more closely certainly is, which is the engine behind which I admire. It uses Sqlite for a bunch of things, including producing actual insights.

avinassh commented 3 years ago

Hey @Byron, thanks for this detailed write up and it was a quite informative read. Taught me more about SQLite using in multiple writer situations.

PS: Thanks for dua-cli, I use it very often. Also, thanks for GitPython, which I use in my joke project :P

Byron commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your kind words :). Actually I forgot about this post entirely and but am pleasantly surprised it exists - sometimes when running criner I wonder how it interacts with sqlite just vaguely remembering that it put up a little bit of a fight.

It's great to hear dua-cli is useful to you - I didn't regret writing it thus far (as I managed to not delete my disk with it yet ;)), and use it many times a day myself. It's good to see I can finally be a rust rockstar - maybe one day you can rewrite that one using gitoxide and cut the 'time to rockstar' by a factor of ten :D.