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Notable ascents rework on profile page #2954

Closed scd closed 6 years ago

scd commented 7 years ago

We have got logs of separate issues around notable ascents. This is the master issue.

A lot has changed on the system since the this table was put together. It would be good to know what is now important. When I look at the table it does three things.

What has changed:

Solution options

Make the table based on our 5 CPR types (Trad, Sport, Boulder, Gym Sport, Gym Boulder) and show one of them, allowing selection of the others.

Each type should be handled as an aggregate functions and embedded as it is for the CPR curve.

Use CPR ascent rating and show the top rated ascents.

I think we should keep area in the graph for each of the CPR types. This will tell somebody where I boulder, where I go to the gym the most, etc. Maybe have it as a config flag to show areas, and show the two most notable ascents from the area. Because it will be an aggregate we could do Simon's notable trad ascents in Arapiles as it's own notable ascents table.

One thing that is missing is how many ascents I have done. But that is in the ascents by tick type.

Existing issues






brendanheywood commented 6 years ago
