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sub-national regional boundaries dual double parent nodes #452

Open MelwinQ opened 12 years ago

MelwinQ commented 12 years ago

We discussed this via E-Mail. For the sake of completeness and because I want to add something, I'll post this here:

Apart from that special case, I wonder if this is a general issue to be considered: Should top-level regions (always) match with subnational administrative units (ie federal states)? This is common in some other route databases (e.g. and makes sense as it keeps the number of top-level regions to a reasonable minimum. The assignment of crags will mostly be unambiguous. On the other hand, these administrative regions may be less informative to the non-native as compared to physiogeographic regions (e.g. "Pyrenees") or major cities (e.g. "Cologne", as it is currently done in thecrag's Germany). Furthermore, mountain ranges (and thus crags) may straddle boundaries, requiring a node to belong to more than one parent (although this seems to be possible with your design, if I understood you right).

Campbell: Yes that's right

I think that the strict "administrative scheme" makes most sense to those with local knowledge. People who lack this, will have to find a crag via the map view anyway, so I'd advocate the "administrative scheme" as a recommendation for all top-level nodes.

Campbell: Food for thought. I definitely think that sub-national regions, if required, should be comprehensive and non-overlapping. Maybe there's a bit of an issue with how much climbing there is in a country and whether it's spread evenly across all administrative divisions? Simon and Brendan what do you think? (Melvin it might be a while before Simon/Brendan chip in- Brendan's pretty much out of contact for January, Simon's busy with a chess competition for the next couple of weeks- long story ;-))

Things like the maps, 'Classic Crags' (at top of LH nav) and alternate names can all help non-locals too...

Simon or Brendan replied (sorry, lost that mail, trying to remember): Things should be decided for each case individually. Membership in multiple parental node is possible, but some technical issues need to be solved first.

MelwinQ commented 12 years ago

I found two candidates for dual node-parentship:

  1. Montreaux - Sion Area ( falls both into Vaud ( and Valais (, both being first order nodes in Switzerland.
  2. Besancon - Neuchatel Area ( both belongs to the Swiss Kanton of Neuchatel and to France (so it even crosses national boundaries).

I presume both examples have been entered in that form for some reason that make it more appropriate than heeding administrative boundaries. But as Campbell asked me to try to sort these to the Kantons, I assigned each to the respective first parent mentioned above. As soon as you implement dual parentship, you could consider adding this for these to nodes.