thecity / thecity-plaza-wordpress

A WordPress plugin to access The City Plaza data (topics, events, etc)
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Shortcode Support #12

Closed weschilders closed 11 years ago

weschilders commented 12 years ago

I'd love to be able to use the plugin to easily populate an events page instead of listing only as a sidebar widget.

weshays commented 12 years ago

It would depend on how your WordPress template is setup and then where you assign this plugin to show content. For example, if you had a defined area for a plugin to use the full area in the center of the page then it could work but it would still be in a list.

If you are looking for the events to take up a page in a calendar type view then that would be outside the scope of this particular project. However, I think the idea of adding a small calendar view in the sidebar could work.

If you are a familiar with PHP or Ruby you could use the API wrappers to develop your own custom page, or custom wordpress plugin. Here are the links to those API wrappers.


PHP (The wordpress plugin uses this API wrapper).

Let me know if this helps.