Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / FreeBSD / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch / JavaScript / WebAssembly
I made an APK file by using qtdeploy build android with the example project at %GOPATH%\src\github.com\therecipe\examples\deploy\android, and then install it on my device or several AVD,but alway crashes when executed!
I tried to changed my env settings, but it dosent wok!
It is will be fine if I create a APK with QTCreator and its examples, so maybe is correct of my QT env !
Here my env , please help me, thank you very much!
I made an APK file by using
qtdeploy build android
with the example project at %GOPATH%\src\github.com\therecipe\examples\deploy\android, and then install it on my device or several AVD,but alway crashes when executed! I tried to changed my env settings, but it dosent wok! It is will be fine if I create a APK with QTCreator and its examples, so maybe is correct of my QT env !Here my env , please help me, thank you very much!
GOOS: 'windows' GOARCH: 'arm' GOVERSION: 'go1.18.4' GOROOT: 'C:\Program Files\Go' GOPATH: 'C:\Users\12305\go' GOBIN: 'C:\Users\12305\go\bin' GOMOD: '' QT_HASH: 'c0c124a5770d357908f16fa57e0aa0ec6ccd3f91' QT_API: '5.13.0' QT_VERSION: '5.13.0' QT_DIR: 'D:\Qt\Qt5.13.0' QT_STUB: 'false' QT_DEBUG: 'true' QT_QMAKE_DIR: 'D:\Qt\Qt5.13.0\5.13.0\android_armv7\bin' QT_WEBKIT: 'false' QT_STATIC: 'false' QT_GEN_GO: 'false' QT_GEN_OPENGL: 'false' QT_GEN_QUICK_EXTRAS: 'false' QT_RESOURCES_BIG: 'false' QT_NOT_CACHED: 'false' JDK_DIR: 'C:\jdk8u352-b08' ANDROID_SDK_DIR: 'C:\Users\12305\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk' ANDROID_NDK_DIR: 'C:\Users\12305\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\18.1.5063045' ANDROID_NDK_PLATFORM: 'android-28' CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW: '.'