theseer / Autoload

A lightweight php namespace aware autoload generator and phar archive builder
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PHP Autoload Builder

The PHP AutoloadBuilder CLI tool phpab is a command line application to automate the process of generating an autoload require file with the option of creating static require lists as well as phar archives.




Executable PHAR

The recommended way to install phpab is by using phive:

phive install phpab

Manual install

If you do not have phive installed or want to install manually, you can download the PHAR archive from the Releases tab.

Please note: On Linux/Unix based system the phar needs to be marked executable for direct execution:

[theseer@rikka ~]$ chmod +x phpab*.phar

Other Downloads


Usage: phpab [switches] <directory1|file1|/path/to/composer.json> [...<directoryN|fileN>]

  -i, --include       File pattern to include (default: *.php)
  -e, --exclude       File pattern to exclude

      --blacklist     Blacklist classname or namespace (wildcards supported)
      --whitelist     Whitelist classname or namespace (wildcards supported)

  -b, --basedir       Basedir for filepaths
  -t, --template      Path to code template to use

  -o, --output        Output file for generated code (default: STDOUT)

  -p, --phar          Create a phar archive (requires -o )
      --all           Include all files in given directory when creating a phar
      --alias         Specify explicit internal phar alias filename (default: output filename)
      --hash          Force given hash algorithm (SHA-1, SHA-256 or SHA-512) (requires -p, conflicts with --key)
      --bzip2         Compress phar archive using bzip2 (requires -p) (bzip2 required)
      --gzip          Compress phar archive using gzip (requires -p) (gzip required)
      --key           OpenSSL key file to use for signing phar archive (requires -p) (openssl required)

  -c, --compat        Generate PHP 5.2 compatible code
  -s, --static        Generate a static require file

  -w, --warm          Generate a static opcache warming file
      --reset         Add opcache reset call when generating opcache warming file

  -1, --prepend       Register as first autoloader (prepend to stack, default: append)
  -d, --no-exception  Do not throw exception on registration problem (default: throw exception)

  -n, --nolower       Do not lowercase classnames for case insensitivity

  -q, --quiet         Quiet mode, do not output any processing errors or information

      --cache <file>  Enable caching and set filename to use for cache storage

      --follow        Enables following symbolic links (not compatible with phar mode)
      --format        Dateformat string for timestamp
      --linebreak     Linebreak style (CR, CRLF or LF, default: LF)
      --indent        String used for indenting or number of spaces (default: 16 (compat 12) spaces)

      --tolerant      Ignore Class Redeclarations in the same file
      --once          Use require_once instead of require when creating a static require file

      --trusting      Do not check mimetype of files prior to parsing (default)
      --paranoid      Do check mimetype of files prior to parsing

      --var name=foo  Assign value 'foo' to variable 'name' to be used in (custom) templates

      --lint          Run lint on generated code and exit
      --lint-php      PHP binary to use for linting (default: /usr/bin/php or c:\php\php.exe)

  -h, --help          Prints this usage information
  -v, --version       Prints the version and exits

Usage Examples

[theseer@rikka ~]$ phpab -o src/autoload.php -b src composer.json

[theseer@rikka ~]$ phpab -o opcache_warming.php -w --reset src

[theseer@rikka ~]$ phpab -o src/ src

[theseer@rikka ~]$ phpab -c -o src/ src

[theseer@rikka ~]$ phpab -o src/core/ -b src src

[theseer@rikka ~]$ phpab -p -o framework.phar -b src composer.json

[theseer@rikka ~]$ phpab -p -o framework.phar framework/src

[theseer@rikka ~]$ phpab -p -o framework.phar --bzip2 --key sign.key framework/src

[theseer@rikka ~]$ phpab -b . --tolerant -o zf1_autoload.php -e '*/Test/*' Zend


When using phpab it is necessary to recreate the autoload file every time a new class is created. This usually also happens after pulling from a repo or when switchting branches. Using a git post-checkout hook placed in .git/hooks/post-update this can be automated for most cases.

Basic Sample:

phpab -c -o src/ src

Sample using an ant build.xml file.

if [ -f build.xml ]; then
    ant -p | grep phpab > /dev/null

    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        ant phpab > /dev/null &

Template Variables

The generated code is based uppon templates provided by default in the templates subfolder. The template engine allows for simply replacing of name based placeholders. For now, only a few default variables are defined but API hooks / CLI parameters exist to set custom variables.

Known variables are:

Used in PHAR Mode only:

Custom variables as defined by passing --var name=value via cli are accessed by pre- and appending ___ to it:


The changelog moved to its own document