The VHDL backend supports three simulators: Vivado XSim, GHDL, and Modelsim, defaulting to XSim. This PR changes the initialisation such that on import conifer, we probe which simulators are available and set the default to the first one that is available, in order of preference: Xsim, GHDL, Modelsim.
The user can still control which simulator to target like conifer.backends.vhdl.simulator = conifer.backends.vhdl.simulators.GHDL, in case they have several available and prefer a different one to the default.
This PR also adds the GHDL compile script, which was accidentally missing.
The VHDL backend supports three simulators: Vivado XSim, GHDL, and Modelsim, defaulting to XSim. This PR changes the initialisation such that on
import conifer
, we probe which simulators are available and set the default to the first one that is available, in order of preference: Xsim, GHDL, Modelsim.The user can still control which simulator to target like
conifer.backends.vhdl.simulator = conifer.backends.vhdl.simulators.GHDL
, in case they have several available and prefer a different one to the default.This PR also adds the GHDL compile script, which was accidentally missing.