thoriqazzikraa / whatsapp-bot

whatsapp bot multi device (not supported for termux)
Apache License 2.0
118 stars 208 forks source link
bot ffmpeg linux nodejs open-wa wa-bot whatsapp whatsapp-bot



RequirementsInstallationUsageInformationFeaturesTo-DoTroubleshootingThanks to

# Support Me - [Saweria]( - [Paypal]( - [Trakteer]( - [Nyawer]( ## SOME FEATURES MAY NOT WORK ## Things I Code With

My Whatsapp Bot.

# Requirements - [Node.js (Recommended 14.17.3)]( - [Git]( - [FFmpeg]( # Deploy On Heroku Tutorial - Pertama, Fork repo ini terlebih dahulu - Lalu, Buat App di heroku ![Create New App _ Heroku - Google Chrome 18_10_2021 11_04_26]( - Setelah itu pergi ke settings ![Create New App _ Heroku - Google Chrome 18_10_2021 11_04_43]( - Dan scroll kebawah sedikit cari kata Add BuildPacks Dan Copas url dibawah ini ke BuildPack ![Create New App _ Heroku - Google Chrome 18_10_2021 11_05_28]( - Pencet tombol Reveal Config Vars, dan masukkan key dan value dibawah ini seperti digambar Key : CHROMEDRIVER_PATH Value : /app/.chromedriver/bin/chromedriver ![urbae-bot · Settings _ Heroku - Google Chrome 18_10_2021 11_19_37]( - Setelah itu ke Deploy dan Connect ke Github untuk mendeploy repo yang sudah di fork ![urbae-bot · GitHub _ Heroku - Google Chrome 18_10_2021 11_23_56]( - Setelah itu klik Deploy Branch dan buka View Logs, dan tunggu saja sampai scan qr muncul ![urbae-bot · GitHub _ Heroku - Google Chrome 18_10_2021 11_27_47]( ![Create New App _ Heroku - Google Chrome 18_10_2021 11_10_19]( # FFMPEG LINUX/UBUNTU SSH ```sudo apt install ffmpeg``` Setelah diinstal Ketik ini di Terminal ```ffmpeg``` Jika muncul berarti sudah terinstall dan sudah di path ## FFMPEG WINDOWS INSTALL/PATH - First go to this [link]( - And when it's complete downloading, extract file - And rename it into ffmpeg - Then move ffmpeg file to Local Disk (C:/) - And then go to Environment Variables - Click "New" - type variable name into "path" and variable value into "C:/ffmpeg/bin" - After that, open command prompt and type "ffmpeg" - If it shows like that image, congratulations your ffmpeg has been path ## Getting Started This project require NodeJS v12. # Install Clone this project ```bash > git clone > cd whatsapp-bot ``` Install the dependencies: ```bash > npm install ``` ### Usage Run the Whatsapp bot ```bash > npm start ``` after running it you need to scan the qr ### Information - Change ownerNumber on HandleMsg.js, just search with name ```const ownerNumber = ""``` - Change groupLimit on [this section]( - Change memberLimit on [this section]( - Change menu on [this section]( - `Vhtear`: VHTear API token. You can get it [here]( by purchasing his API key. - `H4ck3rs404`: H4ck3rs404 API token. you can visit [here]( - `Lolhuman`: LolHuman API token. you can get it [here]( by purchasing his API key. - `Onlydev`: Only Dev City API token. you can get it [here]( by purchasing his API key. - `Dapuhy API`: Dapuhy API token. you can get it [here]( by Req Apikey for free. - `Zekais API`: Zekais API token, you can get it [here]( by purchasing his API key. --- ## Features | 18+ Anime |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Nekopoi |✅| | Random Hentai|✅| | Random Hug|✅| | Random Blowjob|✅| | Random Baka|✅| | Rhentai|✅| | Random Pussy|✅| | Random Slap|✅| | Random Waifu|✅| | Random Nsfw|✅| | Random Kiss|✅| | Random Cum|✅| | Gif Hentai|✅| | Neko NSFW|✅| | Random Neko|✅| | Boobs|✅| | Creator |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Respond img to sticker|✅| | Sticker To Image|✅| | TTP|✅| | Respond img to sticker no bg|✅| | Respond url to sticker|✅| | Respond gif to sticker|✅| | Respond giphy url to sticker|✅| | Make a meme from photo|✅| | Quotes maker result pict|✅| | Nulis Bot|✅| | Glitch Text Maker|✅| | Harta Tahta|✅| | Islam |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | List Surah|✅| | Info Surah|✅| | Surah|✅| | Tafsir Alquran|✅| | Alquran Audio/Voice|✅| | Jadwal solat|✅| | Downloader |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Youtube Music |✅| | Youtube Video |✅| | Facebook |✅| | Instagram |✅| | Twitter|✅| | Tiktok Video|✅| | Fun Group! |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Simi-simi BOT|✅| | Anti kata kasar|✅| | Family 100|✅| | Cak Lontong|✅| | Tebak Gambar|✅| | Primbon |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Arti nama |✅| | Cek Jodoh |✅| | Searchs |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Images |✅| | Subreddit |✅| | Resep makanan |✅| | Stalk IG |✅| | Wikipedia |✅| | Cuaca |✅| | Chord musik |✅| | Lirik musik |✅| | Screen Crot!|✅| | Play music|✅| | whats anime?|✅| | Random text |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Pantun pakboy|✅| | Fakta Menarik|✅| | Kata Bijak|✅| | Quotes|✅| | Cerita Sex|✅| | Cerita Pendek|✅| | Puisi|✅| | Random image |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Anime |✅| | Kpop |✅| | Memes |✅| | Others |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Teks to Sound/Voice|✅| | Translate teks|✅| | Get covid info from map|✅| | Covid-19 Indo|✅| | Shortlink|✅| | Bap4k F0nt|✅| | Get Group Link|✅| | Get Admin List|✅| | Get List Blocked|✅| | Get List Banned|✅| | Get Group Info|✅| | Get Profile Info|✅| | Steal Picture|✅| | Brainly|✅| | Matematika|✅| | Rate Me|✅| | Kapan|✅| | Apakah|✅| | Bisakah|✅| | Ai Quote|✅| | Doggo|✅| | Get Owner Group|✅| | Dewa Batch|✅| | How Much in Group|✅| | Group Bot|✅| | WP Anime|✅| | Penyegar Timeline|✅| | Google Search|✅| | Sider|✅| | Bokep|✅| | Bokep 2|✅| | Wallpaper|✅| | Wallpaper 2|✅| | Neko|✅| | Loli|✅| | Loli NSFW|✅| | Baka!|✅| | Waifu|✅| | Anime Avatar|✅| | Say List|✅| | Add Say!|✅| | Say!|✅| | Delete Say|✅| | Bacot List|✅| | Add Bacot|✅| | Bacot|✅| | Delete Bacot|✅| | Tag|✅| | Get User Picture|✅| | Jadian|✅| | Ava|✅| | KBBI|✅| | Logo Pornhub|✅| | Truth or Dare|✅| | Distance|✅| | Shopee|✅| | Play Store|✅| | YouTube Search|✅| | Play Youtube Video|✅| | Simi|✅| | Kusonime|✅| | Arti Mimpi|✅| | Emoji To Sticker|✅| | Asupan|✅| | Stalk Twitter|✅| | IG Story|✅| | Find Sticker|✅| | GSM Arena|✅| | Detail City|✅| | Info Alamat|✅| | More++|✅| | Images |Yes| | --------------- | ----------- | | Aesthetic|✅| | Amelia Andani|✅| | Random Cecan|✅| | Random Cogan|✅| | Groups |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Owner|| | Kick all members|✅| | Admin|| | Add user|✅| | Kick user|✅| | Promote User|✅| | Demote User|✅| | Mute Group|✅| | Change Group icon|✅| | Delete bot msg|✅| | Tagall/mentions all|✅| | Revoke Link Group|✅| | Set Group Name|✅| | Resend Messages|✅| | Anti Link|✅| | Owner bot |Yes| | ------------- | ------------- | | Broadcast|✅| | Leave all group|✅| | Delete all msgs|✅| | Banned user|✅| | Set Status Bot|✅| | Set Name Bot|✅| | Screenshot Session|✅| | Add Premium|✅| | Delete Premium|✅| ## To-Do - Add Media Downloader - Add More Feature - More refactoring --- ## Troubleshooting Make sure all the necessary dependencies are installed: Fix Stuck on linux, install google chrome stable: ```bash > wget > sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb ``` ## Thanks to - [WA-Automate]( - [YogaSakti]( - [MhankBarBar]( - [dandyraka]( - [ArugaZ]( - [TobyG74]( - [VideFrelan]( - [SlavyanDesu]( - [Zekais](