thorrak / tiltbridge

Tilt Hydrometer to WiFi Bridge
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Adding additional information to the Home Assistant MQTT Auto Discovery messages #248

Closed fkroepfl closed 3 months ago

fkroepfl commented 4 months ago

The aim is to optimize the visualization of tilt devices and sensor data in the Home Assistant by modifying the auto discovery messages.

Initial situation using the "Tilt Blue" example:


  "device": {
    "identifiers": "Blue",
    "name": "Tilt Blue"
  "dev_cla": "temperature",
  "unit_of_meas": "°C",
  "ic": "mdi:thermometer",
  "stat_t": "tiltbridge/tilt_Blue",
  "name": "Tilt Temperature - Blue",
  "val_tpl": "{{value_json.Temp}}",
  "uniq_id": "tiltbridge_tiltBlueT"


1) Add an attribute to the sensor status as secondary information, e.g.: the timestamp

References found to: state.last_updated & state.last_changed

If the sensor now has "temperature" as the status and, for example, the timestamp as an attribute, an update with the same temperature but a different timestamp will update last_updated but not last_changed, as only the attribute has been updated.

The same would of course also apply to the "Specific density".

Here is an example of the effect in the entity card


2) Additional information about the device to which this sensor belongs

References found for configuration variable: device

Could be of interest IMHO:

thorrak commented 4 months ago

As I mentioned, I don't use either MQTT or Home Assistant -- but at one point I set up a HAST instance with the intent of trying to get it working with TiltBridge. Unfortunately, Home Assistant Autodiscovery wasn't (isn't?) the best documented at the time, and so I ended up giving up.

While I can't promise to get this one fixed soon, I'll give it a shot when I have some time.

fkroepfl commented 4 months ago

FYI: With the following manual configuration (YAML/JSON) it was possible to choose the display of the sensor status according to the HA options (screenshot).

I hope it helps when thinking about how to integrate this into the code.




# Red Tilt
# Temperature
  - name: "MyTilt|Red Temperature"
    unique_id: "myTiltRedTemperature"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    icon: "mdi:thermometer-water"
    state_topic: "tiltbridge/tilt_Red"
    value_template: "{{value_json.Temp}}"
    json_attributes_topic: "tiltbridge/tilt_Red"
    json_attributes_template: >
      { "Uptime": "{{ value_json.timeStamp }}" }
      name: "Tilt Red"
      identifiers: "Red"
      manufacturer: "Baron Brew Equipment LLC"
      configuration_url: "http://tiltbridge.local/"
      via_device: "TiltBridge"
      sw_version: "v1.2.1"
      suggested_area: "Brewery"

# Specific Gravity
  - name: "MyTilt|Red Specific Gravity"
    unique_id: "myTiltRedSpecificGravity"
    unit_of_measurement: "SG"
    icon: "mdi:slope-downhill"
    state_topic: "tiltbridge/tilt_Red"
    value_template: "{{value_json.SG}}"
    json_attributes_topic: "tiltbridge/tilt_Red"
    json_attributes_template: >
      { "Uptime": "{{ value_json.timeStamp }}" }
      name: "Tilt Red"
      identifiers: "Red"
      manufacturer: "Baron Brew Equipment LLC"
      configuration_url: "http://tiltbridge.local/"
      via_device: "TiltBridge"
      sw_version: "v1.2.1"
      suggested_area: "Brewery"

# Uptime
  - name: "MyTilt|Red Uptime"
    unique_id: "myTiltRedUptime"
    unit_of_measurement: "s"
    icon: "mdi:timer-sync"
    state_topic: "tiltbridge/tilt_Red"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.timeStamp }}"
      name: "Tilt Red"
      identifiers: "Red"
      manufacturer: "Baron Brew Equipment LLC"
      configuration_url: "http://tiltbridge.local/"
      via_device: "TiltBridge"
      sw_version: "v1.2.1"
      suggested_area: "Brewery"

JSON (yaml converted)

    "name": "MyTilt|Red Temperature",
    "unique_id": "myTiltRedTemperature",
    "unit_of_measurement": "°C",
    "icon": "mdi:thermometer-water",
    "state_topic": "tiltbridge/tilt_Red",
    "value_template": "{{value_json.Temp}}",
    "json_attributes_topic": "tiltbridge/tilt_Red",
    "json_attributes_template": "{ \"Uptime\": \"{{ value_json.timeStamp }}\" }\n",
    "device": {
      "name": "Tilt Red",
      "identifiers": "Red",
      "manufacturer": "Baron Brew Equipment LLC",
      "configuration_url": "http://tiltbridge.local/",
      "via_device": "TiltBridge",
      "sw_version": "v1.2.1",
      "suggested_area": "Brewery"
    "name": "MyTilt|Red Specific Gravity",
    "unique_id": "myTiltRedSpecificGravity",
    "unit_of_measurement": "SG",
    "icon": "mdi:slope-downhill",
    "state_topic": "tiltbridge/tilt_Red",
    "value_template": "{{value_json.SG}}",
    "json_attributes_topic": "tiltbridge/tilt_Red",
    "json_attributes_template": "{ \"Uptime\": \"{{ value_json.timeStamp }}\" }\n",
    "device": {
      "name": "Tilt Red",
      "identifiers": "Red",
      "manufacturer": "Baron Brew Equipment LLC",
      "configuration_url": "http://tiltbridge.local/",
      "via_device": "TiltBridge",
      "sw_version": "v1.2.1",
      "suggested_area": "Brewery"
    "name": "MyTilt|Red Uptime",
    "unique_id": "myTiltRedUptime",
    "unit_of_measurement": "s",
    "icon": "mdi:timer-sync",
    "state_topic": "tiltbridge/tilt_Red",
    "value_template": "{{ value_json.timeStamp }}",
    "device": {
      "name": "Tilt Red",
      "identifiers": "Red",
      "manufacturer": "Baron Brew Equipment LLC",
      "configuration_url": "http://tiltbridge.local/",
      "via_device": "TiltBridge",
      "sw_version": "v1.2.1",
      "suggested_area": "Brewery"
thorrak commented 4 months ago

The YAML here is incredibly helpful, as I think I understand how it maps to the sensor configuration payloads that TiltBridge is sending (and where the differences are) which is a big part of the trouble I was facing. In the device announcements we're abbreviating most of the keys, but mapping them shouldn't be an issue.

With the changes that I made for #247 I think that adding (at least some of) the device keys should be pretty straightforward. I'm going to try doing it in a way that is at least theoretically backwards compatible so as to not have to wait for a major version, but if this doesn't seem to work let me know and I can tweak further.

fkroepfl commented 4 months ago

Most of the buttons are abbreviated in the device announcements, but the assignment should not be a problem.

Since I'm not familiar with the abbreviation rules, I operated with the full names 😉

I'm going to try doing it in a way that is at least theoretically backwards compatible so as to not have to wait for a major version, but if this doesn't seem to work let me know and I can tweak further.

I think as long as the existing definitions are not changed and only new lines are added, this should not be a problem. My manual additions didn't seem to conflict with the autodiscovery information either.

fkroepfl commented 4 months ago

After a bit of trial and error, I think the following icons might actually be quite suitable. Any other ideas?

    icon: "mdi:thermometer-lines"

Specific Gravity:
    icon: "mdi:trending-down"

    icon: "mdi:timer-sync-outline"


fkroepfl commented 4 months ago

If the additions are to be made, then it would probably also be advisable to set the "unique_id" as recommended, wouldn't it?

thorrak commented 4 months ago

If the additions are to be made, then it would probably also be advisable to set the "unique_id" as recommended, wouldn't it?

Yes, but this would definitely be a breaking change, and thus will require a major version increase. Thankfully, I'm likely to do one of those in the not-too-distant future anyways, so I've referenced this in a new issue and will try to release it at the same time as I do #193