thoth-station / odh-dashboard

A dashboard for Open Data Hub, a data science platform on top of OpenShift
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 3 forks source link

Open Data Hub Dashboard

A dashboard for Open Data Hub components.


Before developing for ODH, the basic requirements:

Additional tooling requirements


  1. Clone the repository

      $ git clone
  2. Within the repo context, install project dependencies

      $ cd odh-dashboard && npm install

Build project

  $ npm run build

Serve development content

This is the default context for running a local UI. Make sure you build the project using the instructions above prior to running the command below.

  $ npm run start

For in-depth local run guidance review the contribution guidelines


Run the tests.

  $ npm run test

For in-depth testing guidance review the contribution guidelines

Deploying the ODH Dashbard

Official Image Builds

odh-dashboard images are automatically built and pushed to after every commit to the main branch. The image tag name format for each image is main-<COMMIT SHORT HASH>.

Example: The main branch is updated with commit f76e3952834f453b1d085e8627f9c17297c2f64c. The CI system will automatically build an odh-dashboard image based on that code and push the new image to odh-dashboard:main-f76e395 and updated odh-dashboard:main to point to the same image hash

The nightly tag is a floating tag that is updated nightly and points to the most recent main-<HASH> commit from the previous day.

Deploy using kustomize

The manifests folder contains a kustomize manifest that can be used with kustomize build.

Deploy using a kfdef

The manifests/kfdef folder contains an example kfdef to deploy ODH Dashboard with the Notebook Controller backend is located in odh-dashboard-kfnbc-test.yaml.


Contributing encompasses repository specific requirements


You can find more information about this project in the document section