thunderbiscuit / padawan-wallet

The bitcoin wallet trainer on Android.
Apache License 2.0
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first contribution and project setup #346

Closed geigerzaehler242 closed 7 months ago

geigerzaehler242 commented 7 months ago

Refactor: Update supported ios version and xcode version Feat: Add BDK framework to project Refactor: Add NoJDK target to be able to build without Gradle/JDK UI: Add tab bar navigation Feat: Add example/test use of BDK to display block height UI: Add some temporary test buttons and test UI to the third tab

thunderbiscuit commented 7 months ago

Hey great stuff!

I got it working locally. I don't want to slow down the first strides on this so I don't think it's necessary for this PR to be perfect before it gets merged. However here are a few things I think should get fixed before I merge:

~1. My understanding is that the contents.xcworkspacedata file is mostly for user-specific local setup, and is similar to the .idea/ directory for Android. I don't really want to commit this to the repository right now, mostly because we're not a super big team with strong requirements to have identical local setups. You can remove this file from this PR.~

  1. Your commit message should follow the standard I've been using for Padawan so far, which is mostly based on conventional commits 1.0.0 (I'm not married to this exact spec, so I might decide to change the commit messages structure in the future, but I told myself I'd try to write the first 1000 commits using it and see how I feel about it afterwards). I also capitalize the tag and the message, so your message in this case could be something like Feat: Add first contribution to iOS app.
  2. Would you mind renaming the iosApp/iosApp.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/iosApp copy.xcscheme to iosAppNoJDK.xcscheme? It took me some time to figure out how to fire both of those, and part of the problem was that in the UI the other build was called iosApp copy. Renaming the file fixes that.
  3. There are a lot of views all in the same file and the viewmodel is doing a lot of work, and I assume this can be cleaned up in further PR, but if you want to separate those a little bit in this PR I'm ok with that too.