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Setup openni_tracker and openni_launch on talos main computer #78

Closed michaelmoritsugu closed 10 years ago

michaelmoritsugu commented 10 years ago

The main issue is integration without destroying talos' existing configuration.

UltronDestroyer commented 10 years ago

Works. Not publishing to RVIZ on a non-local computer

michaelmoritsugu commented 10 years ago

Based on our tests it appears that the openni_tracker is publishing transforms on the talos computer. Unfortunately, we cannot visually verify this as the tf isn't published to rviz running on a remote host (my laptop).

The next step is to try and get the data published on rviz on a remote computer.

The confirmation we're going off of is while I'm being tracked the rosrun tf view_frames command outputs a valid tf tree that is only published while I'm being properly tracked.

michaelmoritsugu commented 10 years ago


  1. Install the following packages libopenni-dev libopenni-nite-dev libopenni-sensor-primesense0 libopenni0 libopenni2-0 openni-utils ros-hydro-freenect-launch
  2. Download the 1.5.2 version of NITE, 1.5.7 OpenNi, and Primesense drivers
  3. Uninstall and inrestall NITE drivers $: sudo / $: sudo /
UltronDestroyer commented 10 years ago

Thanks for this @toxicseaweed . I"m going to double confirm this works by following these steps on my laptop tonight.