ticarpi / jwt_tool

:snake: A toolkit for testing, tweaking and cracking JSON Web Tokens
GNU General Public License v3.0
5.13k stars 653 forks source link

Supporting GET method #39

Open gl4nce opened 3 years ago

gl4nce commented 3 years ago

I know this is really bad practise, but currently I'm pentesting an API which is sending the JWT as a simple get parameter. JWT_Tool does not support this case. Maybe it can/should be added for such cases?

Thanks for this great tool!

ticarpi commented 3 years ago

Yes, I had this in a test the other week. I hacked a solution on the day, but I'll clean it up and add it to the next update. Thanks for the suggestion.

gl4nce commented 3 years ago

Sounds good. Thanks a lot for your fast reply and the announced solution. 👍

dillonfranke commented 2 years ago

@gl4nce I just added this functionality with 5f78b56d56da4000c73fe4867a5ca7a8e7e43e83, enjoy!!

octoberfestuser commented 1 year ago

Was this functionality removed? I'm only finding -pd option for POST DATA only, not get parameters. Either way, can we get some examples of how I should use the flag?

dillonfranke commented 1 year ago

Was this functionality removed? I'm only finding -pd option for POST DATA only, not get parameters. Either way, can we get some examples of how I should use the flag?

Hey @octoberfestuser, I submitted a pull request to add this functionality, but unfortunately it hasn't been merged in yet. You can pull down my fork though, which includes the functionality! https://github.com/dillonfranke/jwt_tool

Usage would be like this for parsing a token from a GET parameter:

python3 jwt_tool.py -t https://TARGET -gd "token=ey...." -M pb
octoberfestuser commented 1 year ago

@dillonfranke Thanks a lot man!! such a fast reply as well I'm impressed xd

hugo-syn commented 1 year ago

Any update on a merge to the main branch ? :)