tidwall / tile38

Real-time Geospatial and Geofencing
MIT License
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Management Of Geofencing #321

Open ndorigatti opened 6 years ago

ndorigatti commented 6 years ago

Hi all, we are trying to use tile38 as we find it a great solution, but we have some doubts:

We would like to create geofences and "save" them (id,name,whatever possible) and then retrieve them from a different source (client-server...).

We see that geofences are created as a "strict" connection caller-tile38 or can be "detached" using Hooks.

As far as we understood, we can achieve what we want by configuring each geofence as a Hook (to a mq or http) giving the geofence identifier to that hook.

If we than want to edit/delete the geofence, we remove/reconfigure the hook.

A sort of:

SETHOOK geofence_entrance amqpurl NEARBY...
SETHOOK geofence_hallway amqpurl2 NEARBY...

then we can retrieve all by HOOKS geofence_*

am I right or is there a better way?

tidwall commented 6 years ago

Hi Nicola,

Yes, you are right. What you described is the standard way of managing hooks.

The hook commands consist of: