Open source rich text editor based on HTML5 and the progressive-enhancement approach. Uses a sophisticated security concept and aims to generate fully valid HTML5 markup by preventing unmaintainable tag soups and inline styles.
Enter the two words in the editor , and change color of the second word by selecting the word. We can see that color of both the text changes even though only second text is manually selected.
Issue is reproducible in Firefox
In chrome:
select bold option from toolbar ,then enter two words,change the color of second word and make the second word un-bold (remove bold), then both the words will be changed to un-bold.
Enter the two words in the editor , and change color of the second word by selecting the word. We can see that color of both the text changes even though only second text is manually selected. Issue is reproducible in Firefox
In chrome: select bold option from toolbar ,then enter two words,change the color of second word and make the second word un-bold (remove bold), then both the words will be changed to un-bold.