tillkuhn / angkor

🌅(Mostly) educational app to manage favorite locations and recipes. Techstack Frontend: Angular 16 (TypeScript, Mapbox GL), Backend: Spring Boot 3.2 (JDK 21, Kotlin, PostgreSQL, Kafka, Cognito), Go Microservices, Docker, Terraform managed AWS Infrastructure
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 4 forks source link

Switch from CloudKarafka (which reaches EOL in 2005) to Confluent Cloud Pay As You Go (via AWS Marketplace) #522

Open tillkuhn opened 1 year ago

tillkuhn commented 1 year ago


https://www.cloudkarafka.com/ is great and reliable, but Confluent's Terraform Provider is equally tempting, let's set it up in parallel using a Basic cluster with zero or minimal costs

URL References

tillkuhn commented 5 months ago

UPDATE: CloudKarafka reaches EOL in January 2025, so in fact we have to migrate all Kafka functionality to Confluent https://www.cloudkarafka.com/blog/end-of-life-announcement.html

Important announcement: CloudKarafka will discontinue its services. The product will reach its End of Life on January 27, 2025.