tillnagel / unfolding

A library to create interactive maps and geovisualizations in Processing and Java
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The Map canvas is shifted in the application window when using an OpenGL renderer #168

Closed scruper closed 4 years ago

scruper commented 4 years ago

The map canvas is shifted in the application window when using an OpenGL renderer.

size(800, 600, OPENGL);

screenshot #1

Warnings with OpenGL:

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.jogamp.common.os.NativeLibrary$3 (file:/C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/JavaOOP/TestFolding/lib/gluegen-rt.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.findLibrary(java.lang.String) WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.jogamp.common.os.NativeLibrary$3 WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release Unfolding Map v0.9.6 Using OpenGLMapDisplay with processing.opengl.PGraphics3D

Without specifying an "OpengGL" renderer - canvas is in place but an image becomes blurry.

size(800, 600);

screenshot #2

Code: default HelloUnfoldingWorld from Unfolding repo. Unfolding map v.0.9.6 OS: Windows 10 with latest update GPU: Asus GeForce GTX 1060 Ti 6GG VRAM IDE: IDEA

tillnagel commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the pointer. The warning seems to be a problem with JOGL and the latest Java version. Not sure if it is related. I did not find anything related (JOGL, OpenGL, Windows, etc) in the Processing forums nor elsewhere. Alas, I cannot reproduce on Mac OS.

Could you try out the latest Unfolding beta 0.9.92?

Find the beta of Unfolding for Processing 3+ for Java IDEs at http://services.informatik.hs-mannheim.de/~nagel/GDV/unfolding_app_template_with_examples_0.9.92.zip or use the Processing IDE app template at http://services.informatik.hs-mannheim.de/~nagel/GDV/Unfolding_for_processing_0.9.92.zip

scruper commented 4 years ago

Thanks for fast reply. On 0.9.92 with Java 12.0.2 everything works fine.