tillrose / BRIWECS_Data_Publication

A collaborative work on a data publication for the seasons 2015–2019 of the BRIWECS consortium
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Breeding Innovations in Wheat for Efficient Cropping Systems (BRIWECS).

A collaborative work on a data publication for the seasons 2015–2020 of the BRIWECS consortium

previous publications

<img src="https://github.com/tillrose/BRIWECS_Data_Publication/blob/main/figure/previous_paper/Kai2019.PNG" id="fig-kai" class="lightbox" width="160" height="220" alt="Voss-Fels 2019" /> <img src="https://github.com/tillrose/BRIWECS_Data_Publication/blob/main/figure/previous_paper/Rose_2019.png" id="fig-till" width="160" height="220" alt="Rose 2019" /> <img src="https://github.com/tillrose/BRIWECS_Data_Publication/blob/main/figure/previous_paper/Carolin_2020.png" id="fig-carolin" width="160" height="220" alt="Lichthardt 2020" /> <img src="https://github.com/tillrose/BRIWECS_Data_Publication/blob/main/figure/previous_paper/Zetzsche_2020.png" id="fig-holger" width="160" height="220" alt="Zetzsche 2020" /> <img src="https://github.com/tillrose/BRIWECS_Data_Publication/blob/main/figure/previous_paper/Sabir_2023.png" id="fig-kahdija" width="160" height="220" alt="Sabir 2023" />

instruction for pre-processing scripts

  1. open BRIWECS_Data_Publication.RProject
  2. open scripts/run.R
  3. run all the lines Ctrl + Alt + R

Note: Part of data the traits in Location KAL, Phase II (2018-2020) is still under data-preparation, will be updated soon

directory tree

trait table

## Total 526,8K observations (removed outliers)
Table 1. Trait names, sources, ranges and units
trait full name trait source column name trait range unit
above-ground dry biomass 50 cm cut Biomass_bio 0~3495 g/m^2
grains per spike 50 cm cut Grain_per_spike_bio 3.6~144.2 Nbr
harvest index 50 cm cut Harvest_Index_bio 0.1~0.79
plant height 50 cm cut Plantheight_bio 41~145 cm
grain yield 50 cm cut Seedyield_bio 28.3~1815 g/m^2 @100% dry mass
spike number 50 cm cut Spike_number_bio 48~1390 Nbr /m^2
thousand grain weight 50 cm cut TGW_bio 4.7~77.8 g
day when 75% of the ears are visible whole plot BBCH59 123~181 days of year
day when 75% hard dough whole plot BBCH87 176~213 days of year
above-ground dry biomass whole plot Biomass 14.2~732.8 dt/ha
crude protein percentage per grain dry mass whole plot Crude_protein 6.2~21.3 %
leaf tan spot whole plot DTR 0~100 % leaf area
falling number whole plot Falling_number 60~700 s
fusarium head blight whole plot Fusarium 0~27 % spike
number of grains per unit area whole plot Grain 143.7~3915.5 Nbr x 10^5/ha
leaf rust whole plot Leaf_rust 0~90 % leaf area
leaf powdery mildew whole plot Powdery_mildew 0~100 % leaf area
grain protein yield whole plot Protein_yield 0~22.2 dt/ha
sedimentation whole plot Sedimentation 2.1~83.3 ml
grain yield whole plot Seedyield 0~141.6 dt/ha @100% dry mass
leaf spot whole plot Septoria 0~80 % leaf area
above ground biomass substracted by grain yield whole plot Straw 8.9~625.4 dt/ha
stripe rust whole plot Stripe_rust 0~100 % leaf area
thousand grain weight whole plot TGW 11.9~67.4 g