tiltedphoques / Mod-Compatibility

Contains information about mod compatibility with Tilted Online
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Elden Parry #67

Open NoNutNed opened 2 years ago

NoNutNed commented 2 years ago

Mod information

SKSE plugin that replaces vanilla Skyrim's bash with a parrying mechanism to spice up Skyrim's combat.

Download link



PVP: Can sometimes be client-side only, but other times not. It can work though.

PVE: Much higher chance of working. Still ping dependent though. Most of the time, as long as the players can see the person initiating the parry bash, then it will normally sync.

Additional Information

Even when it doesn't sync, the NPC will not be able to attack as if he was in the stagger animation. Would not recommend for PVP.

Dragonisser commented 2 years ago

PVP isnt really our goal anyway.