time4tea / gopro-dashboard-overlay

Programs to process GoPro MP4 & Generic GPX/FIT files and create video dashboards & maps
GNU General Public License v3.0
327 stars 48 forks source link

Trying to Create a movie from GPX and video not created with GoPro #183

Closed dominic-findlay closed 4 months ago

dominic-findlay commented 4 months ago

I have got the overlay to work using the --use-gpx-only creating a overlay with the alpha channel and then overlaying it myself using ffmpeg, However I would like to do this in one step

I have set the FileCreated attribute on the file.

While trying to supply the two video filenames at the end of the command I get this error

gopro-dashboard.py: error: unrecognized arguments: videoFileName.mp4 videoFileName + Overlay.mp4

I am using java to run the command, the command I am running is from this

          videoDir.getOverlayLayoutFileStr().get("1920x1080"), //Will return path of the layout file
          " --use-gpx-only",
          inputGpxFileStr, // The path to the GPX file
          mainVideoName, // The video to be underneath
          outputFileName // Filename to output to (will end in  "+ Overlay.mp4")

Can you see a issue in how I an trying to run this command? or was this functionality removed/changed as it did say experimental I am running this on windows, if that could change anything.

Thank you for this amazing project.

dominic-findlay commented 4 months ago

Managed to get it to work with

          "file-modified", //Turns out my java code was changing the date modified

Seems the only thing I changed is the order of the params
time4tea commented 4 months ago

Hi there. Thanks for your interest in the software.

Glad you got it to work. There are various examples of the command lines at


Using file names with spaces in is usually a source of frustration - so that could have made things a bit more tricky!

