timvideos / HDMI2USB-fx2-firmware

HDMI2USB firmware for the Cypress FX2 found on the Digilent Atlys and Numato Opsis boards.
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Travis not pushing docs to gh-pages #41

Open paddatrapper opened 7 years ago

paddatrapper commented 7 years ago

According to the gh-pages branch, https://code.timvideos.us/HDMI2USB-fx2-firmware/, and the script generating the docs, Travis should be publishing the docs on every commit to master. It seems not to be currently doing so

paddatrapper commented 7 years ago

Actually, it seems to be pushing to my fork instead: https://github.com/paddatrapper/HDMI2USB-fx2-firmware/tree/gh-pages

mithro commented 7 years ago

You should that pushing isn't just happening when you are pushing to your own branch?

mithro commented 7 years ago

I think the $TRAVS_REPO_SLUG must be wrong then?

paddatrapper commented 7 years ago

Yeah looks like it