timvideos / streaming-system

Tim Video's - Live Streaming for user groups and other events.
Apache License 2.0
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Replace JWPlayer with fully free (libre) software equivalent #60

Open mithro opened 10 years ago

mithro commented 10 years ago

JWPlayer is released under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 -- the NC (non-commercial) part means it doesn't satisfy the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) and hence is not truely "free (libre) software".

The choice of using JWPlayer was made back when flash video support was needed because HTML5 video was not supported by a majority of browsers (JWPlayer was the only option with allowed for seamless flash and HTML5 integration). This is no longer the case with almost all browsers supporting HTML5! Flash support is only needed for RTMP adaptive streaming, which we don't really use/support at the moment.

We should either write our own replacement or convert to using an existing FOSS video player.

Features we need are;

Ideally we'd love to support are;

mithro commented 9 years ago

Probably duplicate @ https://github.com/timvideos/streaming-system/issues/66

Quix0r commented 6 years ago

How about videojs? It is here on github around.