tino / pyFirmata

Python interface for the Firmata (http://firmata.org/) protocol. It is compliant with Firmata 2.1. Any help with updating to 2.2 is welcome. The Capability Query is implemented, but the Pin State Query feature not yet.
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How to get 20kg servo working in pyfirmata #116

Open glendell03 opened 2 years ago

glendell03 commented 2 years ago

Servo brand and specs: https://www.makerlab-electronics.com/product/digital-standard-servo-motor-20kg-mg958/

Hi, I need help to get the 20kg servo working

# main.py

from arduino.servo import Servo
from pyfirmata import Arduino

PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
board = Arduino(PORT)

servo = Servo(board, 9)

# servo.py

from time import sleep

class Servo:
    def __init__(self, board, pin):
        self.board = board
        self.pin = pin
        self.servo = self.board.get_pin(f"d:{self.pin}:s")

    def angle(self, angle):

In SG90 servo (small) the code works but in big servo it doesn't

I tried creating a sweep like in arduino and it worked but the one I need is in the code above

from arduino.servo import Servo
from pyfirmata import Arduino

PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
board = Arduino(PORT)

servo = Servo(board, 9)

while True:
    for i in range(0, 180):
    for i in range(180, 1, -1):
nildude commented 1 year ago

Hi @glendell03

Since the servo physically need to respond to the requests, you might consider adding some delay into your code ( sleep(1) etc.). That will allow the servo to finish the hardware cycle before invoking the next hardware request.

I have not come across any other more refined ways to do this yet.

myselfgautham commented 4 months ago

Add A Small Delay Of Roughly .25 Seconds That Should Work Else Let Me Know