tinted-theming / tinted-shell

Base16 and Base24 for Shells
MIT License
65 stars 217 forks source link

Maintainers outside of base16-project #15

Closed JamyGolden closed 2 years ago

JamyGolden commented 2 years ago

@danielsz you have write access to this repo but aren't on the http://github.com/base16-project team. Should I add you to the team (as a maintainer) or remove you from the project? I'm not sure if you're aware of base16-project or the changes happening to base16 in general? Additionally, if you'd like to be part of the team and maintain different projects, let me know which ones and I can add you ad a maintainer there.

JamyGolden commented 2 years ago

I'm going to remove you from the organization @danielsz, but let me know if you want to contribute in future and I'll add you.