tisstech / bootstrap-laravel-scaffold

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Bootstrap Laravel 4 Scaffold Command

This package is a fork from laravel scaffold

Automatically generates the files you need to get up and running. Generates a default layout, sets up bootstrap or foundation, prompts for javascript files (options are ember, angular, backbone, underscore, and jquery), creates model, controller, and views, runs migration, updates routes, and seeds your new table with mock data - all in one command.


Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require tisstech/bootstrap-laravel-scaffold

"require-dev": {
    "tisstech/bootstrap-laravel-scaffold": "dev-master"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update

Once this operation completes, the final step is to add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


That's it! You're all set to go. Run the artisan command from the Terminal to see the new scaffold command.

php artisan


Configure all file directories, class names, view files, whether or not you want repository pattern, which css/js files to download, and you can completely customize view and layout files from within the templates folder! Be sure to run:

php artisan config:publish tisstech/bootstrap-laravel-scaffold

To include the config file within your config folder.


scaffold will prompt you for a layout file and models

scaffold:model will prompt you for models

scaffold:file "filename" is how you can add multiple models from one file

scaffold:update searches for changes in the model definitions file (defined in your config file), and updates your models/migrations accordingly.


This command utilizes template files, so you can specify the format for your views, controller, repository, and tests in a folder called "templates" in your app directory (location provided in your config file - defaults to app/templates).

You can also add your own views, as long as the name in the config file corresponds with the name of the template within the templates folder.

New features

Keep a running list of your model definitions

There is now a scaffold:update command and it is very cool! In your config file, you will have an option to specify a "modelDefinitions" file, and in this you will place all of your model definitions. See below for an example.

resource = true
namespace = Oxford
University hasMany Department string( name city state homepage ) -nt
Department belongsTo University, hasMany Course string( name description ) number:integer
resource = false
Course belongsTo Department, hasMany Lesson string( name description ) integer( number credits ) -sd

When you update this file and run php artisan scaffold:update it will check to see what has changed and update your models/migrations automatically! It will keep a "cache" file in the same directory as your models file to track the changes, so DO NOT EDIT IT! This allows the command to know if anything has been removed.

Models, fields, and relationships can be removed from this file and a migration will be automatically generated to drop the respective model/field/foreign key, along with updating the model.

Model syntax

The syntax for defining models is quite simple. Take a look at some examples:

Book title:string published:datetime

Or you can get fancy and add a relationship:

Book belongsTo Author title:string published:datetime

... and this will automatically add the "author" method to your Book model, and add "author_id" to your migration table. It will also check to see if the author table has been or will be created before book and auto-assign the foreign key.

You can also include namespaces:

BarnesAndNoble\Book belongsTo Author title:string published:datetime

Don't feel like typing everything all proper? That's fine too!

book belongsto author title:string published:datetime

You can also add multiple relationships!

Book belongsTo Author, hasMany Word title:string published:datetime

There are also several options that you can append to a model:

Have a lot of properties that are "strings" or "integers" etc? No problem, just group them!

Book belongsTo Author string( title content description publisher ) published:datetime

If you are using the above syntax, please strictly adhere to it (for now).

Video overview of command

Reading is boring... check out this overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ESSjdUSNMw

This video is a bit out of date now (more awesomeness has been added), but the idea is still the same.

Additional comments

The seeder uses faker in order to randomly generate 10 rows in each table. It will try to determine the type, but you can open the seed file to verify. For more information on Faker: https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker


Want to go even FURTHER with the scaffold process?!?! Setup foreman, add tisstech/bootstrap-laravel-scaffold to the require-dev section, setup an app file to copy from that adds the laravel scaffold service provider, setup a database file that sets up your database to copy from, and finally setup a models.txt file to copy from (example above). Save that scaffold file somewhere convenient.

Then, you can edit your bash file to include a new alias:

alias laravel="foremancreate"
    foreman build /path/to/htdocs/folder/$1 /path/to/scaffold.json
    cd /path/to/htdocs/folder/$1
    composer update
    php artisan scaffold:file "app/models.txt"
    php artisan migrate
    php artisan db:seed

Then run laravel project-name and watch as your application is fully built and scaffolded for you :)

Watch a demonstration on youtube

Features to be added for 1.0 release

Future ideas