titaniumbones / wordpress-starter

A slightly less shitty wordpress development workflow
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This set of scripts will set up a Wordpress development environment that will work on any major desktop platform (Mac, Windows, Linux). It is designed around the needs of students in [[https://hackinghistory.ca][Hacking History]], a 4th year undergraduate seminar at the Unviersity of Toronto, and based on the work of of [[https://github.com/visiblevc/wordpress-starter][visiblevc]], from which both the docker image and the run scripts are derived.

** How it works

We use [[https://docs.docker.com/][Docker]] and [[http://wp-cli.org/][the Wordpress Command Line Interface]] to construct a "virtual environment" on your laptop. Wordpress and all the other services it depends on (including a webserver and a database server) will run in "containers" which can be accessed through the command line. You can also browse the local Wordpress site by pointing your browser at [[http://localhost:8080][localhost:8080]], and you can edit the theme files in Atom. Any changes you make will be visible in the browser window on refresh. ** Installation

** Usage