A "brew install gr-baz --HEAD" on my system seems to work well, but I have a crash when I launch gnuradio-companion. This is because all gnuradio is built with brew Python, but gr-baz is building with Apple Python...
I had to change the system 'cmake' line in /usr/local/Library/Formula/gr-baz.rb into
system 'cmake', '..', '-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/local/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python ', *std_cmake_args
A "brew install gr-baz --HEAD" on my system seems to work well, but I have a crash when I launch gnuradio-companion. This is because all gnuradio is built with brew Python, but gr-baz is building with Apple Python...
I had to change the system 'cmake' line in /usr/local/Library/Formula/gr-baz.rb into
to make it work...