tjikko-studio / components

Component library for Tjikko Studio apps
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Create the components to support Feature show #189

Closed miherb closed 2 years ago

miherb commented 2 years ago

We need the components necessary to display this page

📼 1/4. The prototype:[…]48%2C0.29&scaling=contain&starting-point-node-id=4337%3A145776

Prototype navigation

📐 2/4. Design/Content specifications:

2.1 The interaction

On the prototype, there is a limitation which prevent us from using the scroll without anchor. Ideally, all the motion would follow the page scroll position. A good example of the scroll/animation relation can be found on this page:

2.2 Information boxes position

The information boxes can have the following positions determined by the cms (actual values that will be provided)

2.3 Additional fields: Background

⚠️ 3/4. To consider:

3.1 The part that is considered as the feature show

This component only contain what is indicated in this part:

3.2 The Feature Show is a standalone component.

Which means that it won't be inserted inside Section, Hero or any other components but as itself. It will however contain extra fields such as a Heading and Text.

⚠️ 4/4. Dependencies

This issue is in relation with this issue here (Done by @ktryndchrs )