tkahn / Smooth-Div-Scroll

A jQuery plugin for smooth scrolling. No longer maintained.
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Manual Scrolling - Scroll Start Event? #164

Closed shaekuronen closed 10 years ago

shaekuronen commented 10 years ago

Awesome plugin, thanks!

I'm implementing jquery.lazyload with smoothDivScroll, which is working great on desktop. Basically, listen for mouseenter event and then fire lazyload. It's a little rough, as all the images load when lazyload executes, but it's better than downloading all the images at page load.

However, doesn't work w/ touch. So added on touchstart, but not reliable cross-device.

So, might be best option to use pointerevents-polyfill, but that's a lot of js to download just to lazyload these images (bc not using anywhere else)

Is manual scroll start event possible? Then I can just hook into that, load the images, and life is wonderful.

shaekuronen commented 10 years ago

scrolledToElementNumber looks promising, but I'm not getting any of these scrolledTo callbacks to work. so, for instance, only the scrollerRightLimitReached is working. Any ideas?

          autoScrollingMode: "",
          autoScrollingDirection: "endlessLoopRight",
          touchScrolling: true,
          scrolledToElementNumber: function(eventObj, data) {
            console.log("SCROLLED TO ELEMENT ID " + data["elementId"]);
          scrollerRightLimitReached: function(eventObj, data) {
            alert("Autoscroll right limit reached.");
          scrolledToFirstElement: function(eventObj, data) {
            alert("scrolled to first element");
          scrolledToStartElement: function(eventObj, data) {
            alert("scrolled to start element");
          scrolledToLastElement: function(eventObj, data) {
            alert("scrolled to last element");
          scrolledToFirstElement: function(eventObj, data) {
            alert("scrolled to first element");
shaekuronen commented 10 years ago

Ok, found a solution. In smoothDivScroll, if touchScrolling is enabled, there's a touchMoved event that fires whenever the scroller moves (should really be a scrollerMoved event, as it fires on desktop when mouse initiated animation, but anyways)

if (o.touchScrolling &&"enabled")) {
  // Use jquery.kinetic.js for touch scrolling
  // Vertical scrolling disabled"scrollWrapper").kinetic({
    y: false,
    moved: function (settings) {
      if (o.manualContinuousScrolling) {
        if ("scrollWrapper").scrollLeft() <= 0) {
        } else {

      // Callback
    stopped: function (settings) {
      // Stop any ongoing animations"scrollWrapper").stop(true, false);

      // Stop any ongoing auto scrolling

      // Callback

then in smoothDivScroll init, listen for touchMoved event and lazyload images

  autoScrollingMode: "",
  autoScrollingDirection: "endlessLoopRight",
  touchScrolling: true,
  touchMoved: function(eventObj, data) {
    console.log("touchMoved event happened");