tkellogg / dura

You shouldn't ever lose your work if you're using Git
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Disk usage concerns #9

Open tkellogg opened 2 years ago

tkellogg commented 2 years ago

A user is concerned about the disk usage. I've wondered the same thing myself.

Does anyone has ideas about how to get real data about how big of a problem this is?

I've wanted to build in some sort of GC, but it seems a little tough to get right. I could see doing it time-based or branch based (delete dura branches when their tracking branch is deleted). I'm in favor of branch-based, but there's still some corner cases (like, what if the dura branch is created against branch-1 but then you delete branch-1 and create branch-2 at the same commit?)

andrewwippler commented 2 years ago

iirc, Mac and Linux file systems throw a file save event. You would write code to look for that event and filter to the git folder watched.

tkellogg commented 2 years ago

That's more in line with efficiency concerns of #5

This issue is about removing branches (and objects) that aren't needed. I'm thinking about heuristics like

andrewwippler commented 2 years ago

I have not done too much digging into the code to see how the state is managed but is disk space such a high commodity that a cleanup event must be triggered every N minutes?

My suggestion would be to have the cleanup even run at the program start (possibly delayed) and expose a cleanup command to the end-user to run on-demand (i.e. dura cleanup). For those users who never turn off their computer, you could even have the cleanup run once every day.

Anyway, this is a neat issue to have and I commend you for wanting to save end-user disks. I look forward to seeing how this issue gets resolved.

JakeStanger commented 2 years ago

Perhaps there could be a system similar to log rotation, 'branch rotation'. Dura could create dura-0, dura-1 dura-2, ..., and rotate those after a period of time or number of commits. That'd give you an "active" branch, and "archived" branches that are removed after enough time.

Not sure if that's stepping into the territory of being too complex?

tkellogg commented 2 years ago

Ring Buffer approach

I'll call @JakeStanger's idea the "ring buffer" approach. There's a lot of variations in it, but it amounts to

  1. keep the last N branches
  2. abandon the rest to git gc

(fwiw using a date instead of an index solves some of your problems)

The main problem with this approach is deciding which backups are safe to lose. Meanwhile, people are choking on branches. There's probably a discrepancy between "how much data they're okay losing" and "how many branches they want to see". i.e. Many users would prefer to see only the most recent dura branch, but they also want the ability to rollback to hours ago even though there's 5 regular commits in between.

So how do we

  1. keep relevant branches easily accessible
  2. not lose data, except when it's really old

B-Tree approach

Disclaimer: this idea is terrible and I love it

Each commit can have multiple parents. I'm not sure what the limit is, but that's your base. Create commits that refer to other commits such that you build up a B-Tree with a single commit on top. That's your dura branch (#31). You now only have one branch.

The leaf nodes of this B-tree are the commits that are currently dura/ branches (so it's only a B-tree if you ignore all the real commits). The non-leaf nodes would be fabricated commits. Every commit needs to point at a "tree" (current process), for non-leaf nodes we could use the tree of the right-most leaf commit. That would make sensible diffs, in case you decide to checkout a non-leaf commit.

Adding commits

B-trees are fast to append to. You always add to the right-most (newest) side of the tree. When the tree fills up, you make a new parent. New regular commits would create log2(N) commits (well, maybe better than log2).

Removing commits

When the history gets truly old and crusty (2 years seems adequate), removing from the left side is just as fast as inserting on the right.


The elephant in the room is that this could explode the width of the git log in tig and other Git clients, such that you'd see so many lines that dura would make Git history unusable.

I wonder if there's a way to make this not matter. Maybe you can manipulate the timestamps so they appear later (I don't think this will work).

Maybe we can solve this through hybrid mode.

Hybrid mode

Mixing the approaches, we can use the B-tree for cold storage, and the ring buffer for more relevant commits (hot storage?).

One idea is to have maintain all dura branches in a B-tree, but then also maintain a short ring buffer of dura branches. The user can use tig --all --no dura to ignore the B-tree (assuming the B-tree is called dura). Another variation on that is to have the B-tree maintain all but N branches and use the ring buffer for the hot branches.

tkellogg commented 2 years ago

Following up on my last message, an octopus merge is a merge commit with more than 2 parents. There's apparently no hard limit, except that Github history viewer won't handle 100k and a 66-way merge in the Linux kernel seemed to break viewers.

You could do either the ring buffer approach or the B-tree approach. They both seem to do a let better as you increase parents.

I think I'll take a stab at this. I'll make it configurable, so that you can effectively toggle the behavior on/off, reduce/enhance the effect, etc. I think I need to see it in action

JakeStanger commented 2 years ago

I'd agree it's clear the ring-buffer idea isn't sufficient by itself. I was trying to come up with answers to the ring-buffer questions and basically re-invented your idea of hot/cold storage, so the hybrid mode sounds good to me.

I must admit the B-Tree approach is mostly going over my head. It might be a good idea to visualize it somehow, if not for this then for end-user documentation.

tkellogg commented 2 years ago

Alirght, here's my best shot at whiteboarding it.


There's no limit to the number of parents, so you could in theory have 1 red node with all blue branches parenting into it, like a spider with 200 legs (9 in this case). But there really are limits (they just aren't stated), so we have to put a limit on it, so you need an octopus or B-tree.


Octopus Collective

Another variation is to only have a 1st level of the B-tree. This would vastly reduce the number of branches, but it becomes harder to ignore the octopus commits. With the B-tree you can do git log --all --exclude refs/heads/dura, but with git log --all --exclude refs/heads/dura/octo/*.

I'm starting to see the value in the Octopus Collective. I had initially thought it would be hard to exclude patterns of branches until I wrote this.


JakeStanger commented 2 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to draw those out, that does help a lot. Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to it.

So let's say someone's been working on a huge refactor and not made any 'real' commits for several days. Assuming the hybrid ring buffer/octopus model was implemented, and you want to restore a commit from a few days ago ago that's no longer in the ring buffer: