tlefko / XPS13-9350-Catalina

Files for Catalina Installation
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Duplications #13

Open Synchrodoom opened 4 years ago

Synchrodoom commented 4 years ago

Is there a reason for the double bt4lecontinuityfixup.kext with spelling errors? Also maybe add NoTouchID.kext for less lag when inputting PWs if supported in Catalina.

tlefko commented 4 years ago

@Synchrodoom no specific reason, I had some issues when I only had one or the other so installed both and it always worked consistently with both. I can't explain the phenomenon but I see no adverse effect to having both so I left them

NoTouchID -- yeah you can add it, I didn't find it made a noticable different but I can include it in the next release

Synchrodoom commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply I left them as is. For now I also added NVMEfix.kext and will see how it performs. For native power management (i7 6560u using MacBook 13,2 SMBIOS) I created a custom SSDT.aml using ssdtgen and undervolted using voltage shift. Also disabled the Create Plugintype in Clover. Will see how it goes in the coming days.

Hopefully that helps!

tlefko commented 4 years ago

@Synchrodoom Gotcha, are you using any cpufriend or x86 platform injectors? For some reason my preformance drops as my battery declines. But I'll try your solution if you explain it and if it works well I'll figure out how to implement into the build.

Don't know if nvmefix will make a difference, as I am using a natively supported ssd --- oh and do you have any sleep issues?

Synchrodoom commented 4 years ago

I have been using it for a few days now and only had one crash when messing with thunderbolt devices. Power management seems to be working great. Sleep seems to work as well.

I used the guide provided in the link of my previous post to generate the SSDT. The process is pretty straight forward.

Another issue is that sidecar stopped working. With the fresh install it worked out if the box but after some restarts it stopped. Haven't figured out why yet. If you find something out let me know!

Synchrodoom commented 4 years ago

Not using cpu friend or x86 injectors

tlefko commented 4 years ago

I have been using it for a few days now and only had one crash when messing with thunderbolt devices. Power management seems to be working great. Sleep seems to work as well.

I used the guide provided in the link of my previous post to generate the SSDT. The process is pretty straight forward.

Another issue is that sidecar stopped working. With the fresh install it worked out if the box but after some restarts it stopped. Haven't figured out why yet. If you find something out let me know!

did you ever fix this? I found it just works after enabling wifi and bluetooth @Synchrodoom

Synchrodoom commented 4 years ago

So far not I did order another wifi card though as I suspect it to be the problem. Which exact chip do you have and what is your configuration? (I have BCM94352Z chip and AT country code) Other than that everything including sleep and power management is still solid.

tlefko commented 4 years ago

So far not I did order another wifi card though as I suspect it to be the problem. Which exact chip do you have and what is your configuration? (I have BCM94352Z chip and AT country code) Other than that everything including sleep and power management is still solid.

@Synchrodoom right now I have the DW1560, all the kexts inside work well with that and everything just works. When you install I suggest clearing network preferences. I changed the country code to CA in the config plist but you can just edit that to US (honestly shouldn't matter though)

Synchrodoom commented 4 years ago

I think I figured it out but it is still problematic. Removing all bluetooth devices and resetting the module does make everything work. But as soon as I pair any other device like a mouse it stops working. Do you have anything non apple paired?