tmbb / approval

Approval testing for Elixir
MIT License
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Support for approval testing, especially of code that generated image.

First, the test wouldn't have been manually reviewed:

import Approve

test "example test" do
  snapshot = File.write!("snapshot.png", create_new_image_data(...))

  approve snapshot:!("snapshot.png"),
          reference:!("reference.png"), # this file doesn't exist, it will be created
          reviewed: false # The user hasn't manually reviewed the reference yet.
                          # After it has been reviewed, this value should be
                          # updated to `true`

When you run the test above, the code will copy the snapshot into the reference. This creates the new "reference.png" file, which you must review manually. Further snapshots will be compared to this reference. Until you review the reference file, the test will fail. After reviewing the reference file, you should update the code above by replacing reviewed: false by reviewed: true, so that it reads:

import Approve

test "example test" do
  snapshot = File.write!("snapshot.png", create_new_image_data(...))

  approve snapshot:!("snapshot.png"),
          reference:!("reference.png"), # this file exists and has been reviewed
          reviewed: true # the user has reviewed the reference

If at any point the snapshot file becomes different from the reference, the test will fail and the approve macro will generate an HTML file next to the snapshot named "snapshot.png.diff.html" (in general it will be snapshot_path <> "diff.html"). That HTML file contains the old and new versions of the images side by side. In the middle it shows the difference between the two images.

If at any point you want to change the reference file (let's say you have found a bug in the code that generated the previous reference), you can simply add a new reference file manually.

This is an example diff.html file made from two images:


Implementation notes

The most portable way of comparing two images is by running javascript inside a web browser, which is what we do here. One possible criticism is that the user needs to manually open the HTML files in a web browser to view the results, instead of having the test suite spin up a web app which would centralize all images and even allow one to approve changes from the web browser itself.

However, that implementation is not very portable and is quite complex. This implementation is optimized for simplicity, and it has settled on using the filesystem as the only source of persistence. The downside is the whole manual fiddling with files, but that is not too bad in practice

In the future, I plan to support other kinds of data besides images, and that is the goal of the somewhat verbose snapshot:!(path) syntax, instead of the shorter snapshot: path alternative.

Real-time snapshot preview

The main goal of Approval is to help automatically generate reference files for snapshot testing and review the changes between the references and the snapshot.

The best way to review differences in images is to display the images side-by-side with a visual diff in the middle.

Although I'd like to be able to do it in the command line, the only way of doing it portably is with a web browser (in which case the image diff can be done and displayed in Javascript).

The workflow of reviewing images can't be easily made intercactive without doing something pretty heavy handed such as running a web app app, which seems too complex for this use case.

Other snapshot testing libraries are focusing on updating test results interactively inside the Elixir code, but I don't think interactivity is a good feature for this library.


The package is available in Hex and can be installed by adding approval to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:approval, "~> 0.2.0"}

The docs can be found at